On Jul 27, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Andreas Weber <address@hidden> wrote:
> cset http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/octave/rev/52e01aa1fe8b
> Each axes now has its own properties for interactive GUI control of pan,
> rotate3d and mouse_wheel_zoom. Now it's possible to have several figures
> and set pan for the 2D plot in figure x and rotate3d for the 3D plot in
> figure y. There are two new pan modes: "Pan x only" and "Pan y only".
> The toolbar buttons "P" and "R" set pan and rotate3d for the last
> clicked axes object or the object below the center of the canvas if none
> was clicked yet.
> Try this for example:
> subplot (3, 1, 1);
> sombrero ();
> set (gca, "rotate3d", "on");
> subplot (3, 1, 2);
> plot (sin (0:0.05:10))
> grid
> set (gca, "pan", "xon")
> subplot (3, 1, 3);
> peaks ();
> See how each plot behaves. Try also pan, rotate and zoom.
> The legend axes can now be moved with the mouse. Try
> sombrero(); legend("A sombrero plot")
> and move the legend with the mouse around.
> -- Andy
Everything works for me ... except that selecting [Edit->Grid] from the menu (i.e. no effect). However if the axes is active, then typing "g" does toggle the grid, as does the "G" button at the bottom of the figure.