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[Octave Forge] Octave 4.0 call for packages

From: Mike Miller
Subject: [Octave Forge] Octave 4.0 call for packages
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 11:04:20 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

Dear Octave Forge maintainers,

The first 4.0 release candidate has been out for some time now and we
don't expect any further changes to impact Octave Forge package
compatibility. At this time we would like to call for Octave Forge
package maintainers to release updated versions of packages if needed
that will build and work with the coming Octave release.

For informational purposes, the current released versions of the
following packages fail to build properly with the first release

 * communications
 * control
 * dicom
 * image
 * odepkg
 * windows

Some of these have been fixed in the package repository but not yet
released, others may still need patches.

The imminent Octave 4.0.0 release will be the first to supply an
official binary distribution of Octave for Windows operating systems.
This distribution will include a set of Octave Forge packages that may
be installed at the user's option. This is why we would like to have
compatible packages ready to incorporate into the next release candidate
for further testing.

Please consider releasing fixed versions of the listed packages as soon
as possible. Packages that do not work with the release may end up not
being distributed with Octave 4.0.0.

Thanks for your contribution,


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