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Re: FYI:gcc-4.9.3

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: Re: FYI:gcc-4.9.3
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2015 08:02:22 +0200
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Hi Tatsu,

Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
----- Original Message -----

From: Philip Nienhuis
To: octave-maintainers
Date: 2015/7/1, Wed 04:58
Subject: RE: FYI:gcc-4.9.3

Ever since it turned out that returning to 4.9.2 again broke 64-bit
mkoctfile on Windows I make my MXE builds using gcc-5.1.0 - since then I
never had problem with building packages on the Windows side (keeping
fingers crossed, of course).
Is the above related to --enable-64?
Is the above *not* related  to --enable-windows-64?

As --enable-windows-64 is implicitly set with --enable-64 one can say that it is the former that makes the difference.

I have build mxe-octave middle of June with --enable-windows-64 bundled gcc is 
I could build octave-forge packages using build_packages.m

Building is not the issue. What happemed is that "natively" built binary modules (.oct files) were miscompiled. See bug #44662 and bug #44998

Try the following with gcc-4.9.2 --enable-windows-64 Octave builds:

- cell2scv (io package) with any .csv file => crashes and takes Octave with it. csv2cell, csvconcat and csvexplode => also make Octave crash.

- windows package, if you have MS-Office installed:
app = actxserver ("Excel.Application")  ## Starts Excel in backgrond
app.Quit ()                             ## closes Excel's workbook
delete (app)                            ## shuts Excel down

At app.Quit(), Octave crashes.
With LibreOffice I got similar crashes here - LO can be started similarly using COM if one has the LibreOffice ActiveX component installed, along the way of
app = actxserver ("com.sun.star.ServiceManager")
... followed by a series of other VB script (StarBasic) commands that I haven't got handy ATM.

AFAIR JohnD had a few other examples.


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