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Re: GSOC second part

From: Piotr Held
Subject: Re: GSOC second part
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2015 14:42:23 -0600

2015-07-06 17:09 GMT-06:00 John W. Eaton <address@hidden>:
On 07/06/2015 06:22 PM, Carnë Draug wrote:
On 6 July 2015 at 22:13, Piotr Held <address@hidden> wrote:
I have published on the repo version 0.2.0. Should I try to get it to Octave
Forge? I am not sure if it's ready.

First of all, I use lambdas for one function, so I needed to add -std=c++11
to my CFLAGS (which I probably could rename CXXFLAGS). I don't have any
autoconf scripts to check if the compiler someone uses actually can compile
code using that flag. Do you have any ideas on this?

The image package also makes use of lambdas and requires that flag.  Take
a look at how it does it.





Modifying user variables like CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS, or CXXFLAGS in configure scripts is generally discouraged:


Also, what will happen if -std=c++11 is not supported?  Does building the entire package fail, or is a feature disabled?  If possible, please make the lack of specific compiler features as harmless as possible.



Thanks for your ides and suggestions. I am working on implementing them.

I have a question: how do I generate a tarball of the package that compiles properly if the the repo doesn't log changes to src/configure (only to src/configure.ac)?

And also how can I test if the generated configure script works properly? Should I compile my version of g++ so that it does not support '-std=gnu++11' and then run the configure script using this new version of g++ or is there some smarter way to do this?

My progress so far: https://bitbucket.org/josiah425/tisean/src/e721c6d4feb0e12f97b58fc141864da56d399236/src/?at=devel


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