Hi Olaf,
> You can probably test this in the original fmincon by printing the
> parameter argument and the returned values in the function for
> non-linear equalitiy constraints (and maybe you can even set an option
> to indicate the starts of itereations?). If the returned values for
> non-linear equality constraints assume the value zero several times
> before the final function calls, this indicates it's a feasible path
> algorithm. If they get zero only in the last function calls, it's
> probably different.
I ran a simple example with non-linear inequality constraints in Matlab:
objective_function = @ (p) p(1) ^ 2 + p(2) ^ 2;
pin = [-2; 5];
c = @(p) [];
ceq = @ (p) p(1)^2 + 1 - p(2);
nonlcon = @(p) deal (c (p), ceq (p));
opts = optimset('Display', 'iter-detailed', 'Algorithm', 'interior-point')
[p, objf, cvg, outp] = fmincon (objective_function, pin,[],[],[],[],[],[],nonlcon,opts)
Interior-point: First-order Norm of
Iter F-count f(x) Feasibility optimality step
0 3 2.900000e+001 0.000e+000 1.035e+001
1 7 5.294118e-001 1.675e+000 9.135e-001 5.336e+000
2 10 1.687652e-001 1.234e+000 6.270e-001 1.116e+000
3 13 4.490516e-001 8.854e-001 1.929e+000 1.053e+000
4 16 3.751190e-001 4.062e-001 4.206e-001 6.686e-001
5 19 9.635641e-001 2.150e-002 2.611e-001 4.041e-001
6 22 9.939794e-001 3.202e-003 6.628e-002 5.890e-002
7 25 9.997458e-001 1.272e-004 7.593e-004 1.166e-002
8 28 1.000000e+000 1.618e-008 1.266e-005 1.798e-004
9 31 1.000000e+000 3.791e-013 1.043e-007 6.075e-007
Optimization completed: The relative first-order optimality measure, 5.215406e-008,
is less than options.TolFun = 1.000000e-006, and the relative maximum constraint
violation, 3.791412e-013, is less than options.TolCon = 1.000000e-006.
Optimization Metric Options
relative first-order optimality = 5.22e-008 TolFun = 1e-006 (default)
relative max(constraint violation) = 3.79e-013 TolCon = 1e-006 (default)
Active-set: Max Line search Directional First-order
Iter F-count f(x) constraint steplength derivative optimality
0 3 29 0
1 7 0.529412 1.675 0.5 -10.7 1.91
2 10 0.14227 1.171 1 -1.45 0.928
3 13 0.500415 0.8574 1 -0.696 1.78
4 17 0.0417358 0.9877 0.5 -1.39 0.674
5 22 0.0504856 0.8697 0.25 -0.351 1.06
6 30 0.139937 0.8609 0.0313 0.431 5.11
7 33 0.648881 0.2892 1 -0.0962 8.02
8 36 1.07827 0.004895 1 1.36 1.03
9 39 1.01786 0.005358 1 -0.872 0.558
10 42 0.979533 0.01031 1 -0.476 0.0237
11 45 0.999968 1.623e-005 1 1.84 0.000963
12 48 1 2.442e-009 1 0.624 3.36e-006
Optimization stopped because the norm of the current search direction, 5.599703e-007,
is less than 2*options.TolX = 1.000000e-006, and the maximum constraint
violation, 2.441955e-009, is less than options.TolCon = 1.000000e-006.
Optimization Metric Options
norm(search direction) = 5.60e-007 TolX = 1e-006 (default)
max(constraint violation) = 2.44e-009 TolCon = 1e-006 (default)
Sqp: Norm of First-order
Iter F-count f(x) Feasibility Steplength step optimality
0 3 2.900000e+001 0.000e+000 1.000e+000 0.000e+000 1.100e+001
1 7 5.084706e+000 3.282e+000 7.000e-001 7.470e+000 3.947e+000
2 10 9.892848e-001 8.048e-001 1.000e+000 3.078e+000 1.942e+000
3 13 1.683993e-001 5.991e-001 1.000e+000 8.274e-001 6.326e-001
4 16 9.968958e-001 2.108e-003 1.000e+000 5.949e-001 5.552e-001
5 21 9.965201e-001 1.856e-003 4.900e-001 2.795e-002 2.770e-001
6 24 9.998171e-001 9.269e-005 1.000e+000 9.774e-003 5.397e-003
7 27 9.999984e-001 8.099e-007 1.000e+000 9.046e-004 1.038e-005
8 30 1.000000e+000 1.560e-013 1.000e+000 8.981e-007 8.941e-008
Optimization completed: The relative first-order optimality measure, 4.470348e-008,
is less than options.TolFun = 1.000000e-006, and the relative maximum constraint
violation, 1.559863e-013, is less than options.TolCon = 1.000000e-006.
Optimization Metric Options
relative first-order optimality = 4.47e-008 TolFun = 1e-006 (default)
relative max(constraint violation) = 1.56e-013 TolCon = 1e-006 (default)
For all the algorithms, the feasibility (constraint function) column meets the TolCon specification in the final few iterations so does this indicate a feasible path algorithm?
>> - I added an additional feature in fmincon [1] to cater for non linear
>> constraint function set using deal();
>> Consider the example:
>> c = @(x) [x(1) ^ 2 / 9 + x(2) ^ 2 / 4 - 1;
>> x(1) ^ 2 - x(2) - 1];
>> ceq = @(x) tanh (x(1)) - x(2);
>> nonlinfcn = @(x) deal (c(x), ceq(x));
>> obj = @(x) cosh (x(1)) + sinh (x(2));
>> z = fmincon (obj, [0;0], [], [], [], [], [], [], nonlinfcn)
>> z =
>> -0.6530
>> -0.5737
> With your current code, I get:
> z = fmincon (obj, [0;0], [], [], [], [], [], [], nonlinfcn)
> error: could not find stepwidth to satisfy inactive and non-binding general inequality constraints
> error: called from:
> error: /usr/nfs/share/octave/packages/optim-1.4.1/private/__lm_feasible__.m at line 341, column 13
> ...
> It seems that a feasible path algorithm like 'lm_feasible' has
> difficulties with this problem.
Strange. This example works fine for me in Octave 4.0 but gives this error in 3.8.2 version.
Kind Regards,