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Re: lsqnonlin and nonlin_residmin

From: Asma Afzal
Subject: Re: lsqnonlin and nonlin_residmin
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 12:25:36 +0100

Hi Olaf,

> The work splits into two tasks:
> 1) Make solvers return information specific to each of their
>    algorithms. This task would be for me, probably. I'd suggest just
>    to return each algorithms default options in a structure on
>    request. I'd probably not tackle this until a good plan is ready
>    for 2).
> 2) Implement the function 'optimoptions'. Probably chiefly your
>    task. Some hints:
> 2.1) Thoroughly check the behaviour in Matlab before, e.g the issues
>      1)-5) above.
> 2.2) First make a plan and discuss what your code will do in detail,
>      please.
> 2.3) Take care of case-insensitivity of options, but displaying options
>      in the nominal 'CamelCase'. See how optimset does it.
> 2.4) You'll need to make a class for the options objects, with methods
>      for displaying and assigning, the latter also in dot notation.
> 2.5) 'optimget' should, if possible, work with the new options object
>      as before with the options of 'optimset', since existing solvers
>      use 'optimget' to access options. (This should, if possible, be
>      achieved by the design of the new options class, not by changing
>      'optimget'.)

I am still struggling to grasp the hierarchical desgin (using classes)
in Matlab.

In Matlab, for instance, the following calls generate the same object:

opts = optim.options.Lsqnonlin  and
opts = optimoptions('lsqnonlin')

and according to the help, this is the hierarchy for the class

optim.options.Lsqnonlin < optim.options.Lsqncommon <
optim.options.Lsqcurvefit < optim.options.Lsqncommon <

I don't understand how "optim.options.Lsqnonlin" is a class. Is
Lsqnonlin an inner class as mentioned in [1]?

Kind Regards,

[1] http://uk.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/nested-classes.html

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