On 08/25/2015 07:32 PM, Michael Godfrey wrote:
Atached is result of:
plot (1:10)
set (gca, 'xtick', [0 1 5 6 9 10])
grid minor
Hmm, so even though you specify a tick mark at 0, it's not displayed
because of the data range being 1:10? Is it always the case that tick
marks outside the data range (or axes limits, I guess, which might be
computed from the data range) are ignored? That seems like one problem
to solve and the other is to properly handle the minor ticks when the
major ticks are not evenly spaced.
What happens for something like
plot (1:10)
set (gca, 'xtick', [0, 1, pi, 7.3, 10])
grid minor
? In this case, I see no way for the minor ticks to be evenly
distributed and to match up with all the major tick marks.