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Re: GSL in octave

From: Susi Lehtola
Subject: Re: GSL in octave
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 01:16:21 -0700
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On 07/19/2016 01:43 PM, Julien Bect wrote:
Most, really.  I haven't pushed (yet) a few minor things:
 * your changes to DESCRIPTION -> we'll change that when release approaches
 * your changes to the test files (loading package at the begining) ->
shouldn't we turn them into real unit tests?

I have now added some trivial tests that check all of the generated templates, doing which made me catch one final bug.

 * changes to the cleaning rule in Makefile -> I'll look into this
later, perhaps should we call src/Makefile clean recursively?


Since my previous email, I have pushed all your recent changesets and
added a few of my own.

I again had to fold some of your changesets for clarity.  When you have
several consecutive changesets that address the same logical change
(typically, you realize that you forgot to commit something, or you
discover that you made a typo) please don't leave them like them.
Instead, fold them using hg's mq extension.  Of course, you have to do
that *before* you push to the public repo (i.e., the changesets must be
in "draft" phase).

Well, I guess I'm used to project specific repos, whereas your policies seem to stem from octave-forge being managed as one huge consolidation. It's also a bit confusing having to work on different version control systems and try to learn each of their quirks. I thought pull requests might result in just a single commit message.

If you like, I can always dump the changes into a clean repo...

It seems that there is something wrong with your latest changes to
legendre_sphPlm_array.cc (see log below).

That's been fixed as well.
Susi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor

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