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Re: plotted circle is regular decagon on opengl graphics

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: plotted circle is regular decagon on opengl graphics
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 14:25:36 -0500
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On 08/11/2016 03:12 AM, Andreas Weber wrote:
Hi Tatsuro,

Am 11.08.2016 um 08:17 schrieb Tatsuro MATSUOKA:
Graphics tool kit: qt and fltk
plot (1:1, 'o', 'markersize', 24)
print -depsc circle.eps
plotted circle is regular decagon (ugly).

The code to draw the markers with OpenGL is in gl-render.cc

     case 'o':
         double ang_step = M_PI / 5;

         glBegin ((filled ? GL_POLYGON : GL_LINE_LOOP));
         for (double ang = 0; ang < (2*M_PI); ang += ang_step)
           glVertex2d (sz*cos (ang)/2, sz*sin (ang)/2);
         glEnd ();

As you can see the decagon is hardcoded. AFAIK there is no "draw circle"
command in OpenGL so the only way to get a smoother circle would be to
increase the numer of segments.

I'm surprised there is no type of primitive for arcs in OpenGL (or its utility library GLU) so that hardware/CPU optimization on graphics card drivers could be used.

The performance cost is the cos/sin computations, not the underlying driver. The driver essentially sweeps out the same arc no matter how fine the angular resolution is (i.e., it may draw more polygon lines, but the individual polygon lines are shorter so don't need as many computations to complete).

Rik's changeset works, e.g., test:

graphics_toolkit ('qt')
plot(rand(6,1), rand(6,1), 'or')

Attached is another algorithm using Pythagorean theorem that seems to work too.


Attachment: octave-nontrig_circle_symbol-djs2016aug11.patch
Description: Text Data

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