Julien Bect-2 wrote
Le 15/11/2016 à 22:36, Avinoam a écrit :
How do I use GSL package in Windows?
You can try the release candidate that I have just uploaded to the
With the help to JohnD who compiled gsl version 1.16 for MXE-Octave, I
could install gsl package.
Using Octave 4.2.0 on Win-10 I get:
pkg install gsl-2.0.0.tar.gz
warning: octave_config_info is obsolete and will be removed from a future
version of O
ctave, please use __have_feature__ or __octave_config_info__ instead.
warning: called from
octave_config_info at line 43 column 5
configure: WARNING: Some GSL special functions are missing:
gsl_sf_mathieu_a gsl_sf_m
athieu_b gsl_sf_mathieu_ce gsl_sf_mathieu_se gsl_sf_mathieu_Mc
gsl_sf_mathieu_Ms gsl_s
f_legendre_array gsl_sf_legendre_deriv_array legendre_deriv2_array
For information about changes from previous versions of the gsl package,
run 'news gsl
pkg load gsl
PASSES 25 out of 25 tests
The missing functions are probably because gsl version is 1.16 and not
later version.