On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 16:03:30 -0600, Daniel J Sebald wrote:
I just noticed that once a cell variable exists, round brackets may be
substituted for curly brackets. I first noticed this when I encountered a
simple error like the following:
octave:49> a{1} = 10;
octave:50> a{2}
error: a(2): out of bound 1
Notice that the error message has a round bracket rather than curly bracket,
in light of the variable 'a' being a cell. My thinking was that the
following makes more sense for an error:
error: a{2}: out of bound 1
After further examination, I found the following is acceptable:
octave:54> b{1} = "curly";
octave:55> b(2) = "round"
b =
[1,1] = curly
[1,2] = round
(Well, first thing, notice two spaces between "b =" and the variable
contents display, is that a bug?)
I don't know if this curly/round bracket is a compatibility issue, but I
would think this is too free use of round brackets and can cause more
confusion than anything. I mean, it is difficult enough for someone
learning the language to comprehend the difference between a cell and an
array. Then introduce the idea that if I first use curly bracket, from then
on I can write lines of code that use the round bracket to index that cell.
Being a new user, one might type by mistake "()" rather than "{}" and be
completely confused. Even an experienced user wouldn't like reading code
that did such a thing.
Yes, as I recollect this is a compatibility issue.
To further clarify, indexing on cell arrays with round brackets /
parentheses *is* different from indexing with curly brackets / braces,
both are intentionally supported and intentionally mean different
things, as in Matlab:
>> a = {10, 11, 12};
>> a{1}
ans = 10
>> a(1)
ans =
[1,1] = 10
When used as the LHS of an indexed assignment, they are also different:
>> a(1:3) = 0
a =
[1,1] = 0
[1,2] = 0
[1,3] = 0
>> a{1:3} = 0
error: invalid assignment to cs-list outside multiple assignment
>> [a{1:3}] = deal (3, 2, 1)
a =
[1,1] = 3
[1,2] = 2
[1,3] = 1
Only in the degenerate case of indexing a single element of the cell
array are they equivalent.
Does that clear things up?