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Re: Deprecating --enable-bounds-check?

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: Deprecating --enable-bounds-check?
Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 13:07:46 -0400
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On 05/11/2017 11:10 AM, Rik wrote:


What do you think about deprecating and eventually removing

It seems reasonable to me. We could make xelem, elem, and () all do the same thing, and deprecate xelem (and possibly elem, or is there an advantage to having both operator and member function forms?).

Way back when, there were no tools like valgrind or the address sanitizer options for GCC (and no Clang at all). So I thought it made sense to add bounds checking as an option for the classes, even if it couldn't catch everything. You are right that now those tools are much better than the bounds checking we have, so we might as well just use them instead of trying to do a halfway job of it in the code.

Do we really need to deprecate the option? I guess we could keep the option but have it do nothing except print a message for a few releases. But I don't see any point in keeping the functionality at this point.

I'd also say that we should just standardize on using operator () instead of the elem method as well.

Do you want to work on these changes or should I?


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