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Re: Building under windows

From: mmuetzel
Subject: Re: Building under windows
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2018 11:15:46 -0500 (CDT)

Some months ago, I installed the "Ubuntu App" for the Windows subsystem for
Linux and successfully compiled Octave with it. 
Installing the App is as easy as hitting the "Install" button in the Windows
The instructions for compiling Octave are the same as for a "real" Ubuntu.
With an installed X-Server for Windows (I used VcXsrv), it even runs with
the GUI. I thought that plotting was possible too. But testing that now, it
crashes the X-Server.
A real downside is that all file operations seem to be incredibly slow.
Thus, compilation took quite some time. This might be a local system thing
(maybe antivirus?).
To get a true native Windows application, cross-compiling with MXE Octave is
still necessary. I never tried that with the "Ubuntu App" however.

Personally, I went back to running Ubuntu in a "real" VM because that seemed
to perform much faster.

It would be interesting to hear other's experience.


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