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Discrepancy between actual RAM usage by Octave and "whos" output

From: PhilipNienhuis
Subject: Discrepancy between actual RAM usage by Octave and "whos" output
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 11:05:44 -0500 (CDT)


(Just curious)
During a recent debug session I noted that Octave's RAM usage is much bigger
than suggested by the "whos" command.
I used a 10,000,000x10 heterogeneous cell array [*] to experiment. Big but
not extreme, some GIS files I sometimes use altogether also lead to several
GBs of RAM usage by Octave.

On 64-bit Windows 7, with a 64bit (Fortran) indexing Octave-5.0.0, after
reading the array from file, the whos command says:

>> whos
Variables in the current scope:
   Attr Name          Size                     Bytes  Class
   ==== ====          ====                     =====  =====
        aa     10000000x10                 649999985  cell
        ans           1x1                          8  double
Total is 100000001 elements using 649999993 bytes

While reading the data, Octave's actual RAM usage went from a mere 185 MB to
over 5.8 GB, i.e., almost *nine* times the amount of bytes suggested by
whos. Such a multiplier is unexpectedly high for me; I wouldn't have been
surprised with a factor 2 or 3 or so.

With 64-bit Octave-4.4.1 (no 64b Fortran indexing), whos tells me the same
numbers but Octave's RAM usage is even a little larger, around 6 GB. Trying
on Linux (Mageia 6) memory consumption by Octave even goes to 6.2 GB.

What is the reason that actual RAM usage is so much larger than suggested by
"whos"? Where does the overhead come from?

A corrollary is that esp. for unwary users, "whos" actually gives deceiving



[*] code to create it is in bug #53899, "make_big_aa.m",

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