Dear colleagues,
I would like to install the package syms into Octave. I have downloaded
and unpacked symbolic-2.9.0.tar.gz in d:\installs\Octave\. Command
pkg install -forge d:\installs\Octave\symbolic-2.9.0\inst\syms.m
the -forge option is telling Octave to reach out to the repository, download and install the package using it's common name.
so that would look like:
>> pkg install -forge symbolic
for a local install, you do not want to unpack the archive. the installer will do that. generally recommend running the command from the same folder as the file:
>> pkg install symbolic-2.9.0.tar.gz
the symbolic package relies on having Python and Sympy installed on your system. If you don't have those, the maintainer makes a windows bundle that is probably easier to use. it can be downloaded with instructions from: