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[Octave-patch-tracker] [patch #9084] uitable implementation

From: anonymous
Subject: [Octave-patch-tracker] [patch #9084] uitable implementation
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 13:10:21 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0

Follow-up Comment #20, patch #9084 (project octave):

Hi, Andy

Thanks to your reply.

> OK, so using the uitable-20161209.diff, I can't seem to replicate issue 1 on
either QT4 or QT5 on linux.
I checked 1st issue on Linux+Qt4.8.2 and WinXP+Qt4.8.7(MXE-Octave), using
I fixed 1-4 issues (uitable-20161209.diff is fixed version), so you can't
replicate issue 1 using this patch, maybe.

> I noticed a missing break from one of the switch statements with the keys
Yes, I found it, too.

> 2. I've think I've fixed the focus issue.
Thanks to fix it.
I think your approach (setFocusPolicy NoFocus) is more smart, but produces
some side effects; Arrow keys moves current selection 2 cells when a combobox
I fixed it by removing Arrow/Tab key callbacks.

> I've not implemented point 3 as I'm not sure what to do and need your advice
about it. 
Sorry for lack of explanation.
I added Up/Down/(Shift+)Enter/(Shift+)Tab key callbacks, and changed cell
selection behaviors in times of clicking combobox, in patch
I want to edit table cells by keyboard, using these callbacks.

And, I found another issue; CellEditCallback event don't accept arguments (ex.
I fixed it by changing Table::sendCellEditCallback function.
-  if (properties<uitable> ().get_celleditcallback ().is_function_handle ())
+  if (!(properties<uitable> ().get_celleditcallback ().is_empty ()))

Updated version is attached.


(file #39330)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: patch_9084_uitable-20161230.diff Size:103 KB


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