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[Octave-patch-tracker] [patch #10351] (signal) firpm portability fixes

From: John Donoghue
Subject: [Octave-patch-tracker] [patch #10351] (signal) firpm portability fixes
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 13:48:02 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #5, patch #10351 (project octave):

I applied the patch, but there is still an error in one of the demos:

demo firpm 8
firpm example 8:
 cic = @(f) (sin (pi*(f+eps*!f)/2)./sin (pi*(f+eps*!f)/2/10)/10).^4;

 if compare_versions(OCTAVE_VERSION, '6', '<')
   eval('b = firpm (30, [0 .5 .7 1], @(n,f,g) deal (a=(g<=f(2))./cic (g),
   function [ag wg] = resp (n,f,g) ag = (g<=f(2))./cic (g); wg = 1./(ag+!ag);
   b = firpm (30, [0 .5 .7 1], @resp);

 clf; [h f]=freqz (b); plot (f/=pi, 20*log10 (abs (h)))
 grid on; axis ([0 1 -60 6]); set (gca, 'xtick', [0:.1:1])
 title (sprintf ('firpm type-I CIC-compensation filter (order=%i)', length (b)
- 1));
 ylabel ('Magnitude response (dB)'); xlabel ('Frequency (normalized)')
 axes ('position', [2 3 4 3]/10)
 plot (f, 20*log10 (abs (h).*cic (f))); axis ([0 .55 -.04 .04]); grid on
 title ('Compensated filter response')
 % Figure shows transfer details of CIC-compensation
 % filter design.

firpm example 8: failed
resp: function called with too many inputs

I guessing it should be:

diff -r 5ca91861a7c9 src/firpm.cc
--- a/src/firpm.cc      Fri May 19 13:37:23 2023 -0400
+++ b/src/firpm.cc      Fri May 19 13:47:00 2023 -0400
@@ -1029,9 +1029,9 @@
 %! cic = @(f) (sin (pi*(f+eps*!f)/2)./sin (pi*(f+eps*!f)/2/10)/10).^4;
 %! if compare_versions(OCTAVE_VERSION, '6', '<')
-%!   eval('b = firpm (30, [0 .5 .7 1], @(n,f,g) deal (a=(g<=f(2))./cic (g),
+%!   eval('b = firpm (30, [0 .5 .7 1], @(n,f,g, w) deal (a=(g<=f(2))./cic
(g), 1./(a+!a)));')
 %! else
-%!   function [ag wg] = resp (n,f,g) ag = (g<=f(2))./cic (g); wg =
1./(ag+!ag); endfunction
+%!   function [ag wg] = resp (n,f,g,w) ag = (g<=f(2))./cic (g); wg =
1./(ag+!ag); endfunction
 %!   b = firpm (30, [0 .5 .7 1], @resp);
 %! endif


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