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Re: [Openexr-user] Change Channel names

From: Peter Hillman
Subject: Re: [Openexr-user] Change Channel names
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:03:39 +1300
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You could maybe extend the Image class using something like this pseudocode.
The ImageChannel class returns a slice() object that stores the image layout: you can use that to access the pixels.
And by pseudocode I mean "untested C++":

template <class T>
ypedImageChannel<T>::operator+=(const TypedImageChannel<T> &other)

   assert(image() == other.image());
   IMF::Slice outSlice = slice();
   IMF::Slice inSlice = other.slice();

   assert(outSlice.xSampling == 1);
   assert(outSlice.ySampling == 1);
   assert(inSlice.xSampling == 1);
   assert(inSlice.ySampling == 1);

   for ( int y = image().dataWindow().min.y ; y <= image().dataWindow().max.y ; ++y)
      for( int x = image().dataWindow().min.x ; x <= image().dataWindow().max.x; ++x)
         * (T*) (outSlice.base + y*outSlice.yStride + x*outSlice.xStride) += * (T*) (inSlice.base + y*inSlice.yStride + x*inSlice.xStride);

You should then be able to merge channels by doing
for each channel inChanName you want to add into outChanName before you write out the image again, and assuming your channels are stored as half floats.
I'm not sure if that's exactly what you need, but the nested 'for' loops should give you an idea how to iterate over the pixels.

If you expect the tool to get more complex than this it may be worth using a generic image processing library which supports OpenEXR instead.

On 14/12/15 23:47, Aaron Carlisle wrote:

You're awesome! Ill work with this today, and see where I get.

In addition to changing the channel names I also wanted to be able to combine the channel data from the rgb channels from each layer into one. In python I just created a dictionary, grouped the rgb channels and used array to convert them. So (,, became (newlayername.customchannelname(combined pixel data from red, green, blue)). In C++ it doesn't seem seem as simple. Do you have any suggestions for doing the same in C++?

Thanks again!!

On Dec 13, 2015, at 8:48 PM, Peter Hillman <address@hidden> wrote:
You cannot modify a channel name because the ChannelList object keeps them sorted. If you wish to rename a channel within a list, you must delete it and reinsert it with the new name, or else assemble a completely new ChannelList containing the channels the way you want.

You may find the source of the multiview utility instructive:
That reads in channels from the input(s) and writes them out with different names.
You could drop a channel from the output file by making these two lines conditional:
header. channels (). insert (outChanName, inChannel);
outFb. insert (outChanName,image. channel (outChanName). slice ());

On 12/12/15 08:02, Aaron Carlisle wrote:
In the ChannelList::Iterator and ChannelList::ConsIterator name() is being defined as a const char * name () const, which means I can't change the name. Is there anyway around this? I just want to be able to change the channel name. I tried converting name into a string then back into a const char * which works, but I have significant data loss and the pixels no longer show up in the image.

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