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[Openvortex-dev] ALSA patch submitted and on the way to public CVS...

From: Manuel Jander
Subject: [Openvortex-dev] ALSA patch submitted and on the way to public CVS...
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:08:08 -0400 (CST)

Hello folks,

I submitted a patch to the ALSA list, and they committed it to CVS. It
will take some time until it is synced into the public CVS, but its
there. Takashi Iwai made some minor modificactions to the code
structure, which seme reasonable to me, but is basically the same as the
latest openvortex CVS.

Now, i'll turn away a bit, since i want to take a try on the WT and A3D
engine, but any bug reports are welcome as usual :)

By the way, has anyone noticed that there is a SPDIF samplerate selector
now ? Has anyone tested it ?

Best Regards

Manuel Jander.

> Hi all,
> With all of the talk recently about submitting the driver to the ALSA
> team, all I have to say is go for it! The CVS I got on Saturday seems to
> work fairly well with most of what I've thrown at it (which was not the
> case with an earlier CVS snapshot from about a month or so ago).
> Also, for the first time, I was able to make it work in KDE *without*
> the OSS emulation layer! Yeah! :-D XMMS, MPlayer, and Maelstrom all seem
> to work quite well with this driver...

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