I applied Wilfrieds patch to current OpenVortex CVS. For all VIA
mainboard chipset owners, please test this new version. Make sure that
any "setpci" thingies remain DISABLED, since this is the only way to
test the real effect of the patch.
For those who had "setadbctrl failed" messages, please try it out. If
you still get those messages, then report it here ASAP with the output
of "lspci -v".
Would be convenient to know which other VIA chipset variant have to be
added, because ALSA is becoming feature frozen very soon, because of 1.0
version release.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards
Send the patch if you can. I'm too busy working on 3D support, and don't
want to get distracted now. Thats why i'm very glad if some else
contributes code :D
and here it is! i implemented the pci latency and the bridge fix. both
are required on my computer to use the card properly. the fixes are only
done when the via kt133 agp bridge is found on the pci bus. infos about
the tweaks can be found here:
use the snd-au88?0 module parameter "pcifix" to override the default
settings. the following values are valid:
* 255: autodetect what has to be done (this is the default)
* 0: disable all tweaks
* 1: only apply aureal pci latency fix
* 2: only apply the via agp bridge "PCI #2 Master Control" fix
* 3: apply both fixes
the attached patch applies against alsa 0.9.7c.