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Re: [Pan-users] Some questions

From: gaw zay
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Some questions
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:59:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Daniel Glasner wrote:

> 1. can pan connect to multiple NNTP servers and can I prioritize them
> so it first tried to get an article from one server, and if it's not
> available there, then get it from the next one?

not currently.

> 2. how much RAM does PAN use?

someone should formulate a formula for this becayse it;s related to how
many articles it's loading.

here is my stats right this second with 6 things in the download queue
while reading a group with 6,000 headers in it.

  305 gauze     14   0 39460  38M  5888 S    13.7  7.6   1:00 pan

> 3. Is there a manual for PAN and if so , where can I find it?

dunno it's so easy to use NO WONDER IT'S #1

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