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[Pan-users] Re: Score file

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Score file
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 23:46:08 -0700
User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table)

Mike Brodbelt posted <address@hidden>,
excerpted below,  on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 20:09:05 +0100:

> Hi,
> In trying to remove some of the torrent of junk that gets posted to
> usenet, I've been playing with the pan scorefile. I can't seem to get it
> to work though....
> I've added the following filter:-
> %BOS
> [^rec\.photo\.digital$]
> Score: =-9999
> Expires: 5/6/2004
>         Return-Path:
>         <address@hidden>
> %EOS
> Which I would have thought would kill all posts with the specified
> Return-Path header. It's not working though - can anyone see what I've
> done wrong....

Unfortunately, I don't believe that's a scorable header, currently. 
Scores (and filters) are pretty limited, right now, to essentially the
headers available in an overview

A wider choice in scoring, including the <all headers>, <body>, and
<message> choices, plus specific headers, has been a feature request for
some time.  I'm interested in that sort of thing as well.  Unfortunately,
I'm not a coder, and Charles' reply was that while he agrees that'd be
useful functionality, it's not going to be "front burner" for quite some
time.  Actually, I asked for it b4 scoring was ever introduced, when all
one had was filters/watch/ignore.

What I read between the lines of what he said was that he thought it
should be done by 1.0, but there were quite a number of things on that "by
1.0" list, actually,  and 1.0 might be years away, still.  So, yes, it's
something I'd like too, but as I'm not a coder, and I know the realistic
scheduling it has, I'm not holding my breath.

As Charles frequently says, tho, patches are welcome.  If you ARE a coder
and can come up with something that fits in with PAN's current UI, I'm
sure he'd be quite interested, particularly since he hasn't had a lot of
time for coding on his own lately, so being the project doesn't have a
strong list of submitters constantly patching, it's mostly him and Chris,
development has been far slower the last 8 months or so.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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