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[Pan-users] Re: Shortcuts gone?

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Shortcuts gone?
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 16:18:46 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: pan 0.108 (Mama's Little Joyboy Loves Lobsters, Lobsters)

"Mick Semb Wever" <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Thu, 17 Aug 2006 12:51:17

> It's a bash script printing out random quotes.
> The section that outputs the text is:
> echo "-- "
> echo "${quotes[$RANDOM_NUMBER]}"
> echo "Homepage -" 
> echo "Sesam Search Engine -"
> So it's the ${quotes[$RANDOM_NUMBER]} that comes out in one line.
> There's probably a way of wrapping it in the bash script as well but my
> scripting ability isn't good enough to know.

There is.  It would involve ${#var}, which returns the number of chars in
string $var, possibly ${var:n:l}, which returns a substring starting at
position n (zero-based), length l, and  ${var#pattern}, which tests if $var
begins with pattern and if so deletes the match and returns the rest
(single hash for shortest match, double for longest) or ${var%pattern},
(same thing for the end).

Untested/unfinished(?) quick hack solution (I took your bait =8^):

echo "-- "
# set wrapat as desired
while [ $length -gt $wrapat ]; do
        # raw split, not on space
        # delete last space +
        line=${line% *}
        echo $line
        # subtract line from input quote
        # recalculate length
echo $quote
echo "Homepage -" 
echo "Sesam Search Engine -"

As I said, that's untested, but even if I bugged it, the code should be
clear enough with the comments and close enough to working to hack into
shape yourself, now that I gave you a start.

Note that you have two post-quote lines, so if the quote is long enough to
wrap into more than two lines, you'll violate max sig length netiquette
and get a warning from pan.  You could try doubling up the post-quote
lines as I did (tho it isn't needed with the sig I use for this list/group)
with my pre-quote lines to shorten the non-quote sig to a single line,
thus allowing three lines wrapped quotes. The lines total only 58 chars if
I counted correctly, so you have a bit of flexibility in spacing or other
separation, while still keeping the combined line <72-80 chars.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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