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[Pan-users] Pan 0.109 for Windows

From: Darren
Subject: [Pan-users] Pan 0.109 for Windows
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 23:17:07 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)

I updated the Pan for Windows on my website to 0.109

A couple of notes:
1) Thanks go out to Christophe Gisquet who did most of the work to make
the windows builds more polished (Adding the icon, removing the need for
pcre3.dll, adding Spell Check support and much more).  All I do is
./configure, make, zip it and upload it.  He did all the real work!

2) There is a problem with the To: and Subject Fields showing up blank
in the body pane, I know what the problem is and it is an issue with my
build environment and NOT an issue with Pan so please don't bug Charles
about it.  ;-)   It is late and I have to get up early but I hope to
have the time tomorrow to fix it and upload a new exe that doesn't have
this problem.

Let me know if you have any issues!


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