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[Pan-users] Custom header sorting (was Re: Multiline custom headers?)

From: Chris Metzler
Subject: [Pan-users] Custom header sorting (was Re: Multiline custom headers?)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 22:57:33 -0400

While on the subject of custom headers . . .at some point in the past
with Pan (maybe two years or so ago -- this is not a recent change,
I just haven't been bothered to ask about it until now), I noticed
that when I read my own posts and looked at full headers, the custom
headers I add in all my posts were displayed sorted -- i.e., even
if the header order when I posted was

X-D: (stuff)
X-A: (other stuff)
X-G: (more stuff)
X-C: (yet more stuff)

what I see when I view the post later is:

X-A: (other stuff)
X-C: (yet more stuff)
X-D: (stuff)
X-G: (more stuff)

My questions are:

1.  Is this only a display thing, or is Pan re-arranging the order of
my extra headers before posting the article?

2.  In either case, is there any way to turn this sorting off?

For many years, I have used the custom headers to tell a very silly
multi-line joke that involves the names of the headers themselves.
The re-sorting makes it no longer work.



Chris Metzler                   address@hidden
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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