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RE: [Pan-users] [pan svn-revision 279] Pan goes offline for any incomple

From: Travis
Subject: RE: [Pan-users] [pan svn-revision 279] Pan goes offline for any incomplete multi-part post
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 21:06:37 -0700

address@hidden wrote:
> Hi Charles et al,
> I'm testing the latest svn commits and I find that pan goes 'offline'
> every time it finds an incomplete multipart binary post.
> E.g. pan gives me a message that 'foo.rar.part28 is missing' and then
> goes offline for unstated reasons after saving the incomplete foo.rar
> file.  (Saving the incomplete rar file is the right thing to do, but
> going offline is not.)
> Can anyone building from svn sources confirm this behavior?

I don't build, just install on winders and never have that problem.

Travis in Shoreline Washington

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