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[Pan-users] Re: how does pan get its info?

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: how does pan get its info?
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 01:11:13 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.132 (Waxed in Black)

Zan Lynx <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Thu, 31 Jan 2008
11:47:28 -0700:

> On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 15:45 +0000, Bruce Bowler wrote:
>> I have access to a server that is under development and doesn't
>> implement the entire nntp protocol yet.
>> When I connect to this server with pan and ask pan to "get all headers"
>> it doesn't get them all.  When I connect with seamonkey and ask
>> seamonkey to get all headers, it does.
>> I'd like to be able to give the developers of this new server a
>> direction in which to look to be able to support pan fully.
>> I'm sure someone knows what pan and SM do differently and would love to
>> know what that difference is.
> A very useful tool when developing network clients and servers is
> Wireshark.  Wireshark can record and display network traffic so that you
> can see Pan connect, see the NNTP server respond, see all the commands
> sent and all the data received.

It's also worth noting, I don't believe new-pan (0.90+) has it, but old-
pan (0.14.x) did, from the command line you can/could enter a number of 
debugging options.  Run old-pan with the appropriate options from a 
terminal window (or redirect STDOUT/STDERR to a file, if desired) and 
it'll spit out logging info for whatever area you told it to.  I never 
used the network debugging functionality, but it was there.

As it happens, I still have both installed here, so I can pull it up to 
answer questions with if necessary.  Here's the --help output, you'd 
probably want --debug-sockets :


  --version        Prints Pan's version number
  --help           Prints this message and exits
  --debug          Turns on the most commonly-used options for a bug 

  --mute           Debugging tool to send new posts to console, not the 
  --debug-cache    Print debugging messages for the article cache
  --debug-sockets  Print debugging messages when talking to the news 
  --debug-queue    Print debugging messages related to managing tasks
  --debug-decode   Print debugging messages related to decoding 
  --debug-newsrc   Print debugging messages related to .newsrc files
  --debug-gnksa    Print debugging messages related to gnksa correctness
  --debug-trace    Print debugging messages when entering/leaving 
  --debug-lock     Print debugging messages related to threaded gui locks
  --debug-object   Print debugging messages related to refcounted objects

(NB:  I'm sure glad gmane got whatever bug it was stopping people from 
being able to post to the list thru them worked out. =8^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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