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[Pan-users] Re: How do you point Pan to use another directory?

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: How do you point Pan to use another directory?
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 15:15:13 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.132 (Waxed in Black)

"Ufuk YILDIRIM" <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted
below, on  Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:23:49 +0300:

> 1. Unable to save "H:\.pan2\groups\uk.rec.humour" Arg list too long Dont
> know what exactly it is. It might be related to what I did earlier after
> moving to new loacation: I wanted to download all the articles in the
> said group. However, along the way, pan did stop downloading the
> articles. I closed the pan, when there were still tasks (not downloading
> for some reason). Whenever I run pan, it takes sometime compared to
> before (though not that long).

First, please set gmail to not post HTML when posting to this list, and 
preferably to any similar list.  There's a reason pan doesn't handle 
HTML, many consider it a security issue, and raw HTML just looks ugly.  
That said, you're not the first and won't be the last to do it; many 
don't even realize they are.

Back on topic...  That error is likely an old and now probably stuck 
task.  You should see a tasks.nzb file, pan's method of storing its tasks 
to disk and a standard *.nzb format file, in the new location.  You 
should be able to edit it to point to the new location as appropriate.

Thanks for mentioning these.  They'll certainly help the next time 
something like this comes up as I didn't have any unfinished tasks when I 
switched directories so didn't see this one.  As for the server file, 
when I moved directories it was to split pan into multiple instances, 
binary, text, and test.  Thus, I either manually edited that due to the 
split or setup servers from scratch for each instance, so didn't see a 
problem there either.  Now that I'm aware of them I can warn people about 
them the next time this comes up. =8^)

> 2. Error setting spellchecker: aspell: No word lists can be found for
> the language "en_US". Have no idea about this.

IIRC that's set using the LANG environmental variable, but en_US is the 
likely default if it's unset.  Did you have spell-check working before?  
You mentioned uk.*, do you prefer en_GB (or whatever it is) for spelling 
or en_US, or ???  If you haven't, you'll need to install the correct 
dictionary.  I assume the dictionary is the same regardless of MS or *ix 
platform, but wasn't aware until now that the MS platforms port even had 
the option ported.

Travis is one of the regulars here that runs pan on MSWindows.  It's 
likely he can better answer some of these questions, and there are a few 
others as well, that don't seem to reply as often as he does.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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