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Re: [Pan-users] Hoe to reset all settings to default

From: Heinz Mezera
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Hoe to reset all settings to default
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 20:46:10 +0200

Hello Benjamin,
Am Donnerstag, den 18.08.2011, 17:12 +0000 schrieb Benjamin Esham:
> Heinz Mezera wrote:
> <...>

> > Unintentionally I've changed something and now message bodies never show
> > in the body seczion althoug there should be new mesesages according to the
> > number shown whith the subscribed group. How can I reverse all settings to
> > default again?
> You could do
>     $ rm ~/.pan2/preferences.xml
> at the command line and that would probably fix your problem. But can you be
> more specific about what is happening? It sounds like you see unread
> messages in the header pane. What happens when you click on one of these
> headers?

when I click on a message header nothing shows up in the message pane

> If the problem is that the *headers* are not appearing, you may have
> accidentally turned on too many filters. In the "View" menu, go to "Header
> Pane" and make sure that none of the "Only Show..." checkboxes are checked.

The headers are there but no message bodies.

> HTH,

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