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Re: [Pan-users] Git version segfaulting on start, some more infos.

From: Heinrich Müller
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Git version segfaulting on start, some more infos.
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 21:35:48 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120411 Thunderbird/11.0.1

Am 30.04.2012 18:54, schrieb fredbezies:
2012/4/30 fredbezies<address@hidden>:
2012/4/30 Heinrich Müller<address@hidden>:
I already compiled with ubuntu 12.04 on a 64bit machine, latest git rev.
I get segfaults here, too, resulting out of the use of gcrypt (gnutls).
Changed to libnettle and the errors were gone.

So it seems it's gnutls' fault for now I guess.

Well, I think it is a gtk3 version related bug... Building pan without
gtk3 (I have gtk 3.4.1 here) and no more problems... :(

At least, it doesn't seem to be - on my computer - a gnutls bug...

Ok, then it was my honest mistake, sorry.
Hmm, well, gtk3 isn't the main target atm, anyway. But thanks for noticing that bug. Could you try to get a better backtrace with "bt full" and/or enabling debugging symbols with "-g -O0" ?


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