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Re: [Pan-users] Sending attachments

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Sending attachments
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 06:29:54 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.140 (Chocolate Salty Balls; GIT c9c83f3)

Camaleón posted on Sat, 17 Oct 2015 15:36:51 +0000 as excerpted:

> Hint: Using Mutt (with a patch) and Thunderbird as default newsreaders
> are also another option but I prefer to keep things separate: MUA for
> standard/work/home e-mails and Pan for mailing list posts.

Same here, tho using different clients (but for pan).

* I use pan for the lists via gmane, and thus keep them out of my 
mailbox. (And I use pan-attach-kd to post attachments to the lists when 
necessary, thus avoiding both sending "mail client unreadable gibberish" 
to the lists, and having to do the mail client thing or having to use 
some other base64/uue attaching news client alternative, to avoid the 
gibberish alternative.)

* Actually, I have a total of three separate pan instances setup (set the 
PAN_HOME var to different values for each instance, to keep them 
separate).  One for my text groups, mostly gmane lists these days.  One 
for binaries, which I don't use very often, but I bought a full 1000 GiB 
block from astraweb a couple years ago ($50, IIRC), and do download a few 
binaries on it occasionally (tho at my current usage rate, that single 
block purchase may well be a lifetime account... which is actually why I 
bought that big a block, so if I didn't suddenly change and start 
downloading a whole bunch, it'd last me the rest of my life or close to 
it).  And one for testing, so I don't mess up the nice subscription lists 
and tracking of my other two instances when I'm just screwing around, or 
when I'm checking pan behavior on a specific post someone mentions here, 
in some group I'm not subscribed to, for instance.

* I use (the also gtk-based) claws-mail for my email.  (It /can/ do news 
too, but being single-threaded for news is a significant limitation 
that's just not worth it for me.)

Claws-mail is gui/gtk based, but does mh-format mail dirs (also an option 
with mutt, as it happens) and has hooks in the gui that make scriptable 
extensions much easier than most guis.  The ability to run these 
extensions is a primary feature, so unlike some gui clients (like my 
previous one, kmail), they're unlikely to do crazy things with databases 
or otherwise break ordinary mail handling as well as all their users' 
extension scripts.

In this way, while it is gui-based, it's extremely script friendly, much 
like mutt, tho mutt is of course CLI based.

* I also use claws-mail as my (rss and atom) feed reader.  There's a 
plugin for this that makes it very easy, and being claws, my feed reader 
is now as extremely user script extensible as claws itself is. =:^)

However, because I strongly prefer to keep my mail and feeds separate, I 
actually run a second claws-mail instance, pointed at a different homedir 
and tmpdir so it doesn't interfere with the first one running for mail, 
and with a different icon theme so I can tell which is which in the tray, 
for instance, as my feed reader.

Setting up two separate instances that way isn't terribly difficult, but 
the default is definitely to run both feeds and mail (and news if I were 
to use claws for news too, another reason not to) in the same unified 
client, so I don't expect that a lot of people actually have the separate 
client setup I do.

The point being, I definitely appreciate your preference for keeping 
things separate, so much so that I went out of my way to setup both 
multiple claws-mail instances to deal with mail and feeds separately, and 
multiple pan instances to deal with text and binaries and tests 

IOW, you definitely have my support on the separate clients thing! =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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