( Showing only the last 30 out of 64 lines. For a complete log visit the build page )
boards/ardrone/navdata.c:136:32: warning: unknown option after ‘#pragma GCC diagnostic’ kind [-Wpragmas]
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member"
# compiling AIRCRAFT: [ARD2_103] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 10/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CHIMERA] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 11/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CHIMERA] TARGET: [sim]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 12/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CHIMERA] TARGET: [test_led]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 13/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CHIMERA] TARGET: [test_sys_gpio]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 14/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CHIMERA] TARGET: [test_sys_time_timer]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 15/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CRAZYFLIE] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 16/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CRAZYFLIE] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 17/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CRAZYFLIE] TARGET: [test_led]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 18/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CRAZYFLIE] TARGET: [test_sys_gpio]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 19/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CRAZYFLIE] TARGET: [test_sys_time_timer]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 20/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CYFOAM] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 21/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [CYFOAM] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 22/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [JP] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 23/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [JP] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 24/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [JP] TARGET: [sim]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 25/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [LISAMX] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 26/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [LISAMX] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 27/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [MATEK] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 28/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [MATEK] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 29/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [MATEK] TARGET: [sim]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 30/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [NUCLEO] TARGET: [ap]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 31/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [NUCLEO] TARGET: [nps]
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 32/39 # compiling AIRCRAFT: [NUCLEO] TARGET: [sim]
execution expired