( Showing only the last 30 out of 84 lines. For a complete log visit the build page )
Parsing flight plan '/home/pprz/paparazzi/conf/flight_plans/rotorcraft_basic.xml', extracting modules... done
Parsing radio '/home/pprz/paparazzi/conf/radios/dummy.xml'... done
Parsing telemetry '/home/pprz/paparazzi/conf/telemetry/default_rotorcraft_mavlink.xml'... done
Parsing settings... done
Loading modules:
- (D) mcu (mcu_periph) [/home/pprz/paparazzi/conf/modules/mcu.xml]
- (D) spi_master (mcu_periph) [/home/pprz/paparazzi/conf/modules/spi_master.xml]
- (U) lisa_mx_2.1 (boards) [/home/pprz/paparazzi/conf/modules/boards/lisa_mx_2.1.xml]
Dumping flight plan XML and header...(updated)No SRTM data found to check altitude.
FlightPlan Error: sorry, but you are either not enough polite or suspiciously too polite
Makefile.ac:202: recipe for target 'test_telemetry.ac_h' failed
make[1]: *** [test_telemetry.ac_h] Error 1
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. 24/25
# Failed test 'Compile aircraft: quad_mavlink, target: test_telemetry'
# at tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t line 115.
# Looks like you failed 18 tests of 25.
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t .. Dubious, test returned 18 (wstat 4608, 0x1200)
Failed 18/25 subtests
Test Summary Report
tests/aircrafts/01_compile_all_aircrafts.t (Wstat: 4608 Tests: 25 Failed: 18)
Failed tests: 2-8, 14-24
Non-zero exit status: 18
Files=1, Tests=25, 100 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.02 sys + 263.76 cusr 39.65 csys = 303.46 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Makefile:321: recipe for target 'test_examples' failed
make: *** [test_examples] Error 1