newbies on this mailing list, i've started a project of UAV based on
the Paparazzi project. I'm trying to install the source code on a
Fedora core 8 plateform and i have some problem with the ivy-c package.
As explain on the installation tutorail, i've downloaded all the
packages needed from the paparazzi repository and i've used alien
tools to convert some packages form debian format to rpm format. For
the ivy-c package, rpm return a failed dependencies on libprcre.so.3.
I've browsed lot of forum to find some information and i've seen that
libpcre.so.3 was a specificity of debian distribution, equivalent to
libpcre.so.0.0.1 for fedora. So i've create a symbolic link between
these to version, and i've forced the package installation of ivy-c
using the "--nodeps" option of the rpm tool. unfortunatly, trying to
build the binaries of the paparazzi project (running make), the
process failed with the following messages :
"File "pprz.mli", line 132, characters 78-89,
Unbound type constructor Ivy.binding
make[1]: *** [pprz.cmi] Erreur 2
make: *** [lib] Erreur 2"
Thank you in advance for any help.
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