I am interested in modifying the SITL too for our own controller
design too. But got stuck at the very beginning. I think the core
model is implemented through OCAML probably in
<>, sitl.mli. Can somebody shed some lights to how the
simulation works?
I think all the simulation files are located in
/paparazzi3/sw/airborne/sim. But they are somehow automatically
generated from the source files (like main_ap.c, fw_h_ctl.c etc.) in
/paparazzi3/sw/airborne. There are lots of SITL and HITL in the
airborne code.
I tried to read the Makefile for the simulations, but haven't made too
much progress yet.
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:13 PM, Vassilis V. <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
One note, during simulation the true airspeed is not available,
for now the GPS ground speed is used instead. Any volunteers
willing to modify the airframe simulation model to calculate and
output the true airspeed (also using the wind speed and direction
from the environment simulator)?
Any ideas on how to calculate the true airspeed in the simulation
model (or maybe it is done already)?
On Oct 14, 2009, at 1:11 PM, chris wrote:
The definitions only work when you have the airspeed sensor
connected and of course uncomment the compile flags and source
files in the airframe makefile section.
The relevant files should be commented out in the airframe's
makefile section if you don't use the airspeed sensor.
They are also useful in simulation.
In order to use those definitions in simulation make sure that
the airspeed flags and source files
are uncommented in the simulation part of the airframe's
makefile section
(near the end of the airframe file)
Of course in simulation you don't need to have the airspeed
sensor installed.
The -DSTRONG_WIND definition helps the plane cope with strong
Have a look inside the "fw_h_ctl.c" file.
I needed one more channel so i now use one autopilot servo for
the aileron and by using a Y splitter i connect both aileron
servos to it.
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