Hi Jeff,
BEC is an abbreviation for Battery Elimination Circuit, meaning you
eliminate the extra battery for the servos. It is basically just a
voltage regulator that produces 5V from your battery. As Maik said you
can just use the 5V provided by the BEC of your speed controller.
Cheers, Felix
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Maik Höpfel <address@hidden>
Yes, especially digital servos can get very high peak currents. Just
them up to the BEC from your speed controller.
- Maik
Am 12.07.2010 20:15 schrieb "Felix Ruess" <address@hidden>:
Hi Jeff,
to me that sounds like your servos are drawing too much power with the
more rapid corrections of the AUTO modes. Especially since it works if
you have one or two disconnected.
If the servos draw too much current the voltage will break down and
the twog probably resets.
I would recommend to check that and maybe use an extra power source
for your servos.
Cheers, Felix
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 7:07 PM, <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello All,
I am experiencing ...
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