Hey Bao,
We did a pretty much same test about two years ago in the University of
Arizona, right in the middle of our campus. The ground station was
located on elevation about 10m from the ground (2nd floor of the student
union), and the othe modem was been slowly walked on a straight line
away from the ground station. We maintained a direct LOS all the time
and pretty much 100% of Freshnel zone due to elevation, at least up to
the point of signal loss. Again, some palm trees were around and of
course lots of wifi.
We had a video test, then data test, both on 2.4Ghz. The data test
showed lots of dropped packets starting at about 600m. Could not get
much longer than that. Video required amplifier and a filter - up to
about 1300m. As far as I remember, we used 3dbi patch antennas.
Hey Martin, long time no see! I think xbee also has something about
frequency hopping in its settings. We haven't used it, but I think it is
still there.
Roman Krashanitsa
2010/8/22 Martin Mueller <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
Hi Bao,
the difference between XBee (at least XBee "Series 1") and a 2.4GHz
RC is that some RC systems change its operating frequency if one is
occupied or even jump with the frequency all the time whereas XBee
stays at a fixed (user changeable) frequency. If that frequency is
in use by Wifi, Bluetooth, analog video or even a microwave oven,
the XBee will loose data or stop completely.
The XBee range varies a lot with the noise level you have. It could
be > 16km in a "calm" alpine scenario or just 100m in a noisy urban
----- original Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Paparazzi-devel] Range testing for Xbee modems (2.4GHz)
Gesendet: Mo, 23. Aug 2010
Von: BX Guan
Hey guys, this is a relatively simply question, but first a bit of
background: My plane is controlled with a 2.4GHz system as well.
Tried to do some simple range testing (as in, another group member
walking around with it) yesterday on my uni ground so it is full of
trees and probably lots wireless/bluetooth around as well. Now the
question: of the several trials, my modems loses connection with
each other at a very short range, somewhere within the range of
~100m to ~300m. I was testing the range of the RC system at the same
time and it responds properly for about 1km, despite growing
gradually slower and weaker towards the end. I was just wondering
what exactly went wrong, as the modems themselves should have a
range of at least the same if not more than the RC system. I had a
9dB gain antenna plugged into my ground modem. And if anyone's
wondering, got the modems as part of the bundle from PPZUAV. Any
feedback/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Bao
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