Hi Guys,
I just noticed that under “Other Hardware” on the wiki a new PPM encoder
board has been posted, called MeekPE. It does not use a microcontroller and is
a very neat design.
I don’t want to create more work for anyone, but I have a relatively
simple modification request if Michel would be willing. I would like to have a
few boards run off by BatchPCB which is a cheap PCB fab house. Unfortunately
the boards do no meet the design requirements, since some traces have less than
8 mil trace spacing.
If the border and the writing were removed from the top and bottom copper
layers, this would solve the problem entirely (.GTL and .GBL files
respectively). These aren’t electrically necessary traces so it would not
change the design at all. The important writing is already also reproduced on the
Top Silk layer so it would still be visible to the user.
The other thing BatchPCB requires is for the drill file to be in a different
format, but I was able to convert Michel’s drill file already by hand.
This is such a simple design it would be great to have it in Eagle. But maybe
that will take some kindly volunteer… ;)
In the meantime, if the GTL and GBL layers could be re-generated with minimum 8
mil spacing, that would allow us to have boards made for very little ($2.50 US)