On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Reto Büttner
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,
can someone help me get my XBee Pro modems working. I tried both
2.4GHz and 868MHz. They work neither with paparazzi nor the
development kit stable. Sometimes I get some data through, but the
performance is very poor. I tried reloading firmware and different
baud rates. In X-CTU there is the range test function with the serial
loop back plug on the remote end provided in the developement kit. I
don't even get that working stable. I tried in Ubuntu/Wine and in
My paparazzi serial connection cable as a modem substitute works fine.
All I want the modems to do is replace that serial cable. I don't need
mesh functionality at the moment.
Do XBee Pro modems need special configuration like operating channel,
PAN ID or similar to work? Is one modem required to be the coordinator
and the other the router/end device? I played aroud quite a while and
nothing really worked. Are there somewhere on the web easy
Thanks for any advice!
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