Hi Martin,
With your help I have a Tiny2.11 with an ArduIMU connected to the I2C port. I
followed the Wiki and am using your airframe suggested with the exception that
I also commented the ADC IR values and set the modem to transparent.
Holding the IMU with the arrows on the IMU for X,Y,Z I see pitch in the PFD is
shown correctly. However the roll is reversed. If this was an airframe with IR
I would change the sign for: LATERAL_CORRECTION in the INFRARED section. As
expected there is no INFRARED section. I sure could use a LATERAL_CORRECTION
value to modify though :)
Is there a way I do not see to reverse the roll? Before doing this I did upload
the firmware in SVN for the arduIMU (as per the Wiki).
BTW, very cool to see IMU data and the PFD artificial horizon responding to the
IMU movements. Thank you for all your help so far. I think I am close.
On Oct 30, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Martin Mueller wrote:
Hi David,
Thanks to the new notes I have a compiled airframe
I would like to try the ArduIMU and followed the steps from the Wiki. However
there was no mention of this value:
<subsystem name="attitude" type="infrared"/>
...and the IR_ values farther in..
Can someone help. If I do not have IR and am flying with ArduIMU what becomes
of those values? Removing them all brings compile errors. Leaving them without
any IR sensors won't cause issues?
Would it be possible for someone who is flying with IMU to post their airframe
to SVN or in a reply? vn100 or ArduIMU or even Booz IMU.
you might try airframes/mm/fixed-wing/fw_ins_arduimu.xml. The infrared must
be removed at the moment not to have two software parts update the estimator.
Did you use settings/tuning_ins.xml as mentioned in (4)?
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