Dear friends who uses a Lisa L paparazzi autopilot.
I have got a couple of questions that I really appreciate if someone can answer
1) Aerodynamic angles, alpha and beta: two general analog inputs available on Lisa/L. Are there control loops ready to use these information?
2) GPS: What item/module should we use?
3) Video-Camera: Can we use the USB OTG port for video-camera control purpose?
4) Internet Key: Can we use the USB Host port for Internet key interfacing? Are software interfaces available already?
5) External Computational Module: Is it possible to use the Gumstix Overo FE together with autopilot Lisa L?
6) Servos and Engine control: Is a PPM decoder needed? Can we control the servos (four) and the engine without any further modules?
thanks in advance.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Lisa/L and Aspirin IMU OSHW release.
Yes, everything is correct. I just did not want to put it in a rigid form.
I really like how Antoine designed Lisa and I think it is a great platform. I really like the performance, and ability to integrate with gumstix, etc. Some test-flying has to be done and some code-writing as well. And this whole process is very exciting. Well, unless you have to show your flying project to your customets :)
2011/3/4 Martial Chateauvieux
<address@hidden>Le vendredi 4 mars 2011 01:01:32 Roman Krashanitsa, vous avez écrit :
> Depends what "first try" means.
Means I have experience in Programming. I succedded to build an autopilot on my own ( My only experience with paparazzi is with the simulation on
the GCS.
> -- If you have a project that has to be finished soon then I would get the
> most stable (older) but reliable platform that has all the working firmware
> for sensors that you will need and all related Wiki Howto's.
Twog or tiny with IR sensors, right?
> -- If time is not much of an issue, get the best stable hardware platform,
> plan for future. Don't mind the firmware, it will change anyway.
Lisa, Aspirin, right?
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