----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Control loops in simulink
Hello Jesus,
what kind of process are you using to obtain the aerodynamic coefficients / aircraft model? Right now I am using AVL and xflr5 (really nice for low Re number, but at the moment with many bugs).
About the PID tunning, I guess paparazzi philosophy is kinda different to piccolo from cloudcap. I have used piccolo in the past and I have to say is very friendly and quickly you can accustom to it. As you, I took paparazzi HW as starting point (you will
save loads of time and it is powerful enough with Overo, even for light algorithms you do not need it), but simulator, firmware, matlab interfaces, etc, I had to write them on my own to fit my GNC development requirements.
By the way, from what univeristy are you? are you from Spain?
On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 12:21 AM, Jesus Martin Sanchez
<address@hidden> wrote:
I want to do it as an educational experience, I work in robotic lab at the university and we want to use paparazzi in other projects changing control laws, using fault tolerant control... etc and I think that it could be a good point of item.
My PID tuning system, is not automatic. Have you used el CloudCap Piccolo tuning system? It´s a very easy way of tune the autopilot without risk I think it will be very usefull for everybody. I know how do a dinamic model with relative good precision,
(i´m sure that better than the AVL and the propulsion model that use Piccolo) but I only ask for the paparazzi loop in simulink, because I would save myself a lot of time. If not, nothing happens, I´m going to need more time, but I´m going to do it.
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