Hi. I just finished a test flight with my latest version of the Cessna 177. The plane has the following parts: Motor Kontronik Kira 600-16 +6.7 gearbox +14x10E APC propeller. battery 8 cell 10Ah 15c lipo. Autopilot TWOG 1 + Ppzuavimu+Paparazzi address@hidden
Video address@hidden +pan+tilt+10x zoom camera. AUW 4800g.
The wind was 5-6 Beauforts, Temp was 30 degrees Celcius Total distance covered was 80Km (40Km roundtrip) Average consumption was 6A @~30v (~180w) Average Ground speed was ~85Km/h (~24m/sec)
The plane behaved beautifully, the circles at standby were perfect circles even with this high wind and drift from the center was almost zero. The Ppzuavimu and the related software worked perfect and the Kontronik motor is something else in efficiency.
I must admit that the plane flew far better than the version with thermopiles.