You have to send less than 150 bytes per second to stay below the legal limit of 10% dutycycle. And those need to be grouped per second since not grouped causes overhead. Then they will work 60 min per hour. Have you tried iridium.xml?
On Sep 14, 2011 12:15 AM, "Luke Ionno" <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've actually done just what you're talking about (a switching circuit) for
> the telemetry modem. I used a MOSFET, with the gate attached to the AUX pin
> on the TWOG, which allowed the telemetry to be switched off (not on,
> obviously) via the GCS, by calling a flight-plan block. (I used a flight
> plan stage timer to bring it back on after a set time.) In your case,
> though, I think the easiest solution would be to connect the MOSFET gate to
> a dedicated PIC chip (or similar, a SMT version would be idea) programmed to
> take the gate pin low for a second or two every 5 minutes, to avoid having
> to tie the timer into the actual Paparazzi flight plan.
> Be aware that people have reported problems with powering XBees up with data
> on the serial line in, though I've never experienced this personally.
> (Apparently it can brick the XBee, requiring a reviving procedure to bring
> it back to life.)
> Hope this helps!
> ~Luke
> From: paparazzi-devel-bounces+nsknews=
address@hidden> [mailto:
address@hidden] On Behalf Of
> limaiem imed
> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 5:44 PM
> To:
address@hidden> Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] using
> Hi all,
> Who is using the Xbee 868 pro modules on paparazzi set-up and getting
> satisfying flying durations ?
> Well, actually I am using those modules with minimal data link configuration
> files to fly a delta plane and I am getting 6 minutes data link time. This
> is not enough ...
> I would like to know if it is technically possible to reset the XBee module
> each 5 minutes. I mean is it possible to ask the processor of paparazzi to
> turn off the power in the pins that are feeding the Xbee module ?
> Otherwise, could we imagine a small electronic devise that perform resetting
> task ?
> Anyway, those modules are really useless unless we can find a solution to
> the duty cycle issue !
> Anyone can suggest me other modules ? (in the paparazzi wik,i there are a
> lot of information about telecommunication devise but are they up to date ?)
> Thank you for your help