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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Aerocomm Modem problems
From: |
Roman Krashanitsa |
Subject: |
Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Aerocomm Modem problems |
Date: |
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 20:10:59 -0700 |
Hi Ben,
In addition to what Christophe said, the API code packs messages more efficiently and number of lost messages decreases. This is true for XBee as well.
I can confirm that Aerocomm was working with Paparazzi perfectly fine. I originally wrote the code for Aerocomm support but right now it is sort of not maintained. I promise to fix it soon(-ish).
For now, I can share a zip file that contains instructions and all the necessary code.
You will notice that the
link.ml code section responsible for the Aerocomm should be re-integrated with the new version of the
link.ml. I think it is located in ground_segment/.../tmtc
Good luck.
Roman Krashanitsa
2011/10/26 Helge Walle
Hi Ben,
I don't know if you have exactly the same modems I have, but here are two screenshots showing how I have configured mine.
This is for 1 to 1 configuration.
2011/10/26 Christophe De Wagter
Hi Ben,
aerocomm.ml is to use these modems in API mode in order to have several aircraft on a single ground modem.
If this is what you want, then you need these files but they might be just a little outdated. If you just need a 1 to 1 link, then use an external tool to configure your modems and configure paparazzi in transparent protocol.
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Ben Despain
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone knows how to use the aerocomm modems with Paparazzi. I've verified that my serial connection works in transparent mode but I don't get anything when I hook up the modem. I've also verified that my modems work and can communicate with each other through their Windows software. I read on the Paparazzi site that the API mode is implemented but I don't see any more details. I did some scrounging and found trunk3 on an old paparazzi site with some aerocomm.ml files. But I'm not sure how to use them or if they're just old news.
Any help would, of course, be much appreciated!
Ben Despain
ben456789 on IRC.
Here's a copy of the aerocomm file I found:
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2004 CENA/ENAC, Pascal Brisset, Antoine Drouin
* Aerocomm device and protocol added by Roman Krashanitsa UofA 2008
* This file is part of paparazzi.
* paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
open Latlong
open Printf
module W = Wavecard
module Tm_Pprz = Pprz.Messages(struct let name = "telemetry" end)
module Ground_Pprz = Pprz.Messages(struct let name = "ground" end)
module Dl_Pprz = Pprz.Messages(struct let name = "datalink" end)
module PprzTransport = Serial.Transport(Pprz.Transport)
type transport =
| Pprz
| Wavecard
| XBee
| Aerocomm
| Aerocomm_ver2
type ground_device = {
fd : Unix.file_descr; transport : transport ; baud_rate : int
type airborne_device =
WavecardDevice of W.addr
| XBeeDevice
| AerocommDevice
| AerocommDevice_ver2
| Uart (** For HITL for example *)
let my_id = 0
let ios = int_of_string
let (//) = Filename.concat
let conf = Env.paparazzi_home // "conf"
let airborne_device = fun device addr ->
match device with
"WAVECARD" -> WavecardDevice (W.addr_of_string addr)
| "XBEE" -> XBeeDevice
| "AEROCOMM" -> AerocommDevice
| "AEROCOMM__" -> AerocommDevice_ver2
| "PPRZ" -> Uart
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "Link: unknown datalink: %s" device)
let get_define = fun xml name ->
let xml = ExtXml.child ~select:(fun d -> ExtXml.tag_is d "define" && ExtXml.attrib d "name" = name) xml "define" in
ExtXml.attrib xml "value"
(*********** Monitoring *************************************************)
type status = {
mutable last_rx_byte : int;
mutable last_rx_msg : int;
mutable rx_byte : int;
mutable rx_msg : int;
mutable rx_err : int;
mutable ms_since_last_msg : int
let statuss = Hashtbl.create 3
let dead_aircraft_time_ms = 5000
let update_status = fun ac_id buf ->
let status =
try Hashtbl.find statuss ac_id with Not_found ->
let s = { last_rx_byte = 0; last_rx_msg = 0; rx_byte = 0; rx_msg = 0; rx_err = 0; ms_since_last_msg = dead_aircraft_time_ms } in
Hashtbl.add statuss ac_id s;
Printf.fprintf stdout "status airplane: %d\n" ac_id; flush stdout;
s in
status.rx_byte <- status.rx_byte + String.length buf;
status.rx_msg <- status.rx_msg + 1;
status.rx_err <- !PprzTransport.nb_err;
status.ms_since_last_msg <- 0
let status_msg_period = 1000 (** ms *)
let live_aircraft = fun ac_id ->
let s = Hashtbl.find statuss ac_id in
s.ms_since_last_msg < dead_aircraft_time_ms
Not_found -> false
let send_status_msg =
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
fun () ->
Hashtbl.iter (fun ac_id status ->
let dt = float status_msg_period /. 1000. in
let t = int_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday () -. start) in
let byte_rate = float (status.rx_byte - status.last_rx_byte) /. dt
and msg_rate = float (status.rx_msg - status.last_rx_msg) /. dt in
status.last_rx_msg <- status.rx_msg;
status.last_rx_byte <- status.rx_byte;
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "%d\n" ac_id; flush stdout; *)
status.ms_since_last_msg <- status.ms_since_last_msg + status_msg_period;
let vs = ["run_time", Pprz.Int t;
"rx_bytes_rate", Pprz.Float byte_rate;
"rx_msgs_rate", Pprz.Float msg_rate;
"rx_err", Pprz.Int status.rx_err;
"rx_bytes", Pprz.Int status.rx_byte;
"rx_msgs", Pprz.Int status.rx_msg
] in
Tm_Pprz.message_send (string_of_int ac_id) "DOWNLINK_STATUS" vs)
let airframes =
let conf_file = conf // "conf.xml" in
List.fold_right (fun a r ->
if ExtXml.tag_is a "aircraft" then
let airframe_file = conf // ExtXml.attrib a "airframe" in
let airframe_xml = Xml.parse_file airframe_file in
let dls = ExtXml.child ~select:(fun s -> Xml.attrib s "name" = "DATALINK") airframe_xml "section" in
let device = get_define dls "DEVICE_TYPE"
and addr = get_define dls "DEVICE_ADDRESS" in
let dl = airborne_device device addr in
(ios (ExtXml.attrib a "ac_id"), dl)::r
Not_found -> r
| Xml.File_not_found f ->
fprintf stderr "Error in '%s', file not found: %s\n" conf_file f;
| _ ->
fprintf stderr "Error in '%s', ignoring\n" airframe_file;
(Xml.children (Xml.parse_file conf_file))
exception NotSendingToThis
let airborne_device = fun ac_id airframes device ->
let ac_device = try Some (List.assoc ac_id airframes) with Not_found -> None in
match ac_device, device with
(None, Pprz) | (Some Uart, Pprz) -> Uart
| (Some (WavecardDevice _ as ac_device), Wavecard)
| (Some (XBeeDevice as ac_device), XBee)
| (Some (AerocommDevice as ac_device), Aerocomm)
| (Some (AerocommDevice_ver2 as ac_device), Aerocomm_ver2)
-> ac_device
| _ -> raise NotSendingToThis
let use_tele_message = fun payload ->
let buf = Serial.string_of_payload payload in
if (int_of_char buf.[1])=31 then begin
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "------------->>"; flush stdout *)
Debug.call 'l' (fun f -> fprintf f "pprz receiving: %s\n" (Debug.xprint buf));
let (msg_id, ac_id, values) = Tm_Pprz.values_of_payload payload in
let msg = Tm_Pprz.message_of_id msg_id in
Tm_Pprz.message_send (string_of_int ac_id) msg.Pprz.name values;
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "msgId: %d, ac_id: %d, name: %s\n" msg_id ac_id msg.Pprz.name; flush stdout; *)
update_status ac_id buf
_ ->
Printf.fprintf stdout "ERROR msg: %s\n" (Debug.xprint buf); flush stdout;
Debug.call 'W' (fun f -> fprintf f "Warning, cannot use: %s\n" (Debug.xprint buf));
type priority = Null | Low | Normal | High
(******** Wavecard ******************************************************)
module Wc = struct
type status = Ready | Busy
let buffer_size = 5
let null_buffer_entry = (Null, Unix.stdout, (W.ACK, ""))
let priority_of = fun (p, _, _) -> p
let buffer = (ref Ready, Array.create buffer_size null_buffer_entry)
let timer = ref None
let remove_timer = fun () ->
match !timer with
None -> ()
| Some t -> GMain.Timeout.remove t
let shift_buffer = fun b ->
for i = 0 to buffer_size - 2 do (** A circular buf would be better *)
b.(i) <- b.(i+1)
b.(buffer_size-1) <- null_buffer_entry
let rec repeat_send = fun fd cmd n ->
W.send fd cmd;
timer := Some (GMain.Timeout.add 300 (fun _ -> Debug.trace 'b' (sprintf "Retry %d" n); repeat_send fd cmd (n+1); false))
let rec flush = fun () ->
let status, b = buffer in
if !status = Ready then
let (priority, fd, cmd) = b.(0) in
if priority <> Null then begin
shift_buffer b;
status := Busy;
repeat_send fd cmd 0
let buffer_ready = fun () ->
remove_timer ();
let (status, b) = buffer in
shift_buffer b;
status := Ready;
flush ()
let send_buffered = fun fd cmd priority ->
let _status, b = buffer in
(** Set the message in the right place in the buffer *)
let rec loop = fun i ->
if i < buffer_size then
if priority_of b.(i) >= priority
then loop (i+1)
else begin
for j = i + 1 to buffer_size - 1 do (** Shift *)
b.(j) <- b.(j-1)
Debug.trace 'b' (sprintf "Set in %d" i);
b.(i) <- (priority, fd, cmd)
Debug.trace 'b' "Buffer full" in
loop 0;
flush ()
let send = fun fd addr payload priority ->
let data = "" addr (Serial.string_of_payload payload) in
send_buffered fd (W.REQ_SEND_MESSAGE, data) priority
let ack_delay = 10 (* ms *)
let send_ack = fun fd () ->
Debug.trace 'w' (sprintf "%.2f send ACK" (Unix.gettimeofday ()));
ignore (GMain.Timeout.add ack_delay (fun _ -> W.send fd (W.ACK, ""); false))
let use_message = fun (com, data) ->
match com with
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
Debug.trace 'b' "RES_SEND_FRAME";
ignore (GMain.Timeout.add 100 (fun _ -> buffer_ready (); false))
Tm_Pprz.message_send "link" "WC_RSSI" ["raw_level", Pprz.Int (Char.code data.[0])];
Debug.call 'w' (fun f -> fprintf f "%.2f wv remote RSSI %d\n" (Unix.gettimeofday ()) (Char.code data.[0]));
ignore (GMain.Timeout.add 100 (fun _ -> buffer_ready (); false))
Ivy.send (sprintf "WC_ADDR %s" data);
Debug.call 'w' (fun f -> fprintf f "wv local addr : %s\n" (Debug.xprint data));
| W.ACK ->
Debug.trace 'w' (sprintf "%.2f wv ACK" (Unix.gettimeofday ()))
| _ ->
Debug.call 'w' (fun f -> fprintf f "wv receiving: %02x %s\n" (W.code_of_cmd com) (Debug.xprint data));
let rssi_period = 5000 (** ms *)
let req_rssi = fun device addr ->
let data = "" addr "" in
send_buffered device.fd (W.REQ_READ_REMOTE_RSSI, data) Low
let init = fun device rssi_id ->
(** Set the wavecard in short wakeup mode *)
let data = "" 2 in
data.[0] <- Char.chr (W.code_of_config_param W.WAKEUP_TYPE);
data.[1] <- Char.chr (W.code_of_wakeup_type W.SHORT_WAKEUP);
(*** data.[0] <- Char.chr (W.code_of_config_param W.AWAKENING_PERIOD);
data.[1] <- Char.chr 10; ***)
W.send device.fd (W.REQ_WRITE_RADIO_PARAM,data);
(* request own address *)
let s = String.make 1 (char_of_int 5) in
ignore (GMain.Timeout.add 1500 (fun _ -> W.send device.fd (W.REQ_READ_RADIO_PARAM, s); false));
(** Ask for rssi if required *)
if rssi_id >= 0 then begin
match airborne_device rssi_id airframes device.transport with
WavecardDevice addr ->
ignore (GMain.Timeout.add rssi_period (fun _ -> req_rssi device addr; true))
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "Rssi not supported by A/C '%d'" rssi_id)
end (** Wc module *)
module XB = struct (** XBee module *)
let nb_retries = ref 10
let retry_delay = 200 (* ms *)
let at_init_period = 2000 (* ms *)
let my_addr = ref 0x100
let switch_to_api = fun device ->
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
Debug.trace 'x' "config xbee";
fprintf o "%s%!" (Xbee.at_set_my !my_addr);
fprintf o "%s%!" (Xbee.at_set_baud_rate device.baud_rate);
fprintf o "%s%!" Xbee.at_api_enable;
fprintf o "%s%!" Xbee.at_exit;
Debug.trace 'x' "end init xbee"
let init = fun device ->
Debug.trace 'x' "init xbee";
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
fprintf o "%s%!" Xbee.at_command_sequence;
ignore (Glib.Timeout.add at_init_period (fun () -> switch_to_api device; false))
(* Array of sent packets for retry: (packet, nb of retries) *)
let packets = Array.create 256 ("", -1)
(* Frame id generation > 0 and < 256 *)
let gen_frame_id =
let x = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr x;
if !x >= 256 then
x := 1;
let use_message = fun device frame_data ->
let frame_data = Serial.string_of_payload frame_data in
Debug.trace 'x' (Debug.xprint frame_data);
match Xbee.api_parse_frame frame_data with
Xbee.Modem_Status x ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting XBee status %d" x)
| Xbee.AT_Command_Response (frame_id, comm, status, value) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting XBee AT command response: %d %s %d %s" frame_id comm status (Debug.xprint value))
| Xbee.TX_Status (frame_id, status) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting XBee TX status: %d %d" frame_id status);
if status = 1 then (* no ack, retry *)
let (packet, nb_prev_retries) = packets.(frame_id) in
if nb_prev_retries < !nb_retries then begin
packets.(frame_id) <- (packet, nb_prev_retries+1);
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
ignore (GMain.Timeout.add (10 + Random.int retry_delay)
(fun _ ->
fprintf o "%s%!" packet;
Debug.call 'y' (fun f -> fprintf f "Resending (%d) %s\n" (nb_prev_retries+1) (Debug.xprint packet));
end else
fprintf stderr "FIXME: nb_retries exceeded\n"
| Xbee.RX_Packet_64 (addr64, rssi, options, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting XBee RX64: %Lx %d %d %s" addr64 rssi options (Debug.xprint data));
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
| Xbee.RX_Packet_16 (addr16, rssi, options, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting XBee RX16: from=%x %d %d %s" addr16 rssi options (Debug.xprint data));
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
let send = fun ac_id device rf_data ->
let rf_data = Serial.string_of_payload rf_data in
let frame_id = gen_frame_id () in
let frame_data = Xbee.api_tx16 ~frame_id ac_id rf_data in
let packet = Xbee.Protocol.packet (Serial.payload_of_string frame_data) in
(* Store the packet for further retry *)
packets.(frame_id) <- (packet, 1);
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
fprintf o "%s%!" packet;
Debug.call 'y' (fun f -> fprintf f "link sending (%d): (%s) %s\n" frame_id (Debug.xprint rf_data) (Debug.xprint packet));
end (** XBee module *)
module ACMM = struct (** Aerocomm module *)
let nb_retries = ref 10
let retry_delay = 200 (* ms *)
let at_init_period = 2000 (* ms *)
let my_addr = ref 0x100
let switch_to_api = fun device ->
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
Debug.trace 'x' "config xbee";
fprintf o "%s%!" (Aerocomm.at_set_my !my_addr);
fprintf o "%s%!" (Aerocomm.at_set_baud_rate device.baud_rate);
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_api_enable;
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_exit;
Debug.trace 'x' "end init xbee"
let init = fun device ->
Debug.trace 'x' "init xbee";
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_command_sequence;
(* ignore (Glib.Timeout.add at_init_period (fun () -> switch_to_api device; false)) *)
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_exit
(* Array of sent packets for retry: (packet, nb of retries) *)
let packets = Array.create 256 ("", -1)
(* Frame id generation > 0 and < 256 *)
let gen_frame_id =
let x = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr x;
if !x >= 256 then
x := 1;
let use_message = fun device frame_data ->
let frame_data = Serial.string_of_payload frame_data in
Debug.trace 'x' (Debug.xprint frame_data);
match Aerocomm.api_parse_frame frame_data with
Aerocomm.API_Send_Data_Complete(rssi, status) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm TX status: %d %d" rssi status);
| Aerocomm.API_Receive(addr16, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm RX: %x %s" addr16 (Debug.xprint data));
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
| Aerocomm.API_Enchanced_Receive (addr16, rssi, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm enchanced RX: from=%x %d %s" addr16 rssi (Debug.xprint data));
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "getting Aerocomm enchanced RX: from=%x %d %s\n" addr16 rssi (Debug.xprint data); flush stdout; *)
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
| Aerocomm.API_Transmit_Packet (addr16, retries, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm enchanced RX: from=%x %d %s" addr16 retries (Debug.xprint data));
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
let send = fun ac_id device rf_data ->
let rf_data = Serial.string_of_payload rf_data in
let frame_id = gen_frame_id () in
let frame_data = Aerocomm.api_tx ac_id nb_retries.contents rf_data in
(* let packet = Serial.payload_of_string frame_data in *)
(* Store the packet for further retry *)
packets.(frame_id) <- (frame_data, 1);
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
fprintf o "%s%!" frame_data;
Printf.fprintf stdout "----------------->Sending to %d <-------" ac_id; flush stdout;
for j=0 to String.length frame_data -1 do Printf.fprintf stdout "%x " (int_of_char frame_data.[j]) done;
Printf.fprintf stdout "\n";flush stdout;
Debug.call 'y' (fun f -> fprintf f "link sending (%d): (%s) %s\n" frame_id (Debug.xprint rf_data) (Debug.xprint frame_data));
end (** Aerocomm module *)
module ACMM_ver2 = struct (** Aerocomm module *)
let nb_retries = ref 10
let retry_delay = 200 (* ms *)
let at_init_period = 2000 (* ms *)
let my_addr = ref 0x100
let switch_to_api = fun device ->
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
Debug.trace 'x' "config xbee";
fprintf o "%s%!" (Aerocomm.at_set_my !my_addr);
fprintf o "%s%!" (Aerocomm.at_set_baud_rate device.baud_rate);
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_api_enable;
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_exit;
Debug.trace 'x' "end init xbee"
let init = fun device ->
Debug.trace 'x' "init xbee";
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_command_sequence;
(* ignore (Glib.Timeout.add at_init_period (fun () -> switch_to_api device; false)) *)
fprintf o "%s%!" Aerocomm.at_exit
(* Array of sent packets for retry: (packet, nb of retries) *)
let packets = Array.create 256 ("", -1)
(* Frame id generation > 0 and < 256 *)
let gen_frame_id =
let x = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr x;
if !x >= 256 then
x := 1;
let n= ref 0
let i= ref 0
let j= ref 0
let formatError = ref false
let use_message = fun device frame_data ->
let frame_data = Serial.string_of_payload frame_data in
Debug.trace 'x' (Debug.xprint frame_data);
match Aerocomm.api_parse_frame frame_data with
Aerocomm.API_Send_Data_Complete(rssi, status) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm TX status: %d %d" rssi status);
| Aerocomm.API_Receive(addr16, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm RX: %x %s" addr16 (Debug.xprint data));
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
| Aerocomm.API_Enchanced_Receive (addr16, rssi, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm enchanced RX: from=%x %d %s" addr16 rssi (Debug.xprint data));
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "getting Aerocomm enchanced RX: from=%x RSSI=%x %s\n" addr16 rssi (Debug.xprint data); flush stdout; *)
n:=String.length data;
if !i < !n then j:= (int_of_char data.[!i]);
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "START PARSING\n"; flush stdout; *)
if !i + 1 + !j >= !n then formatError:=true
else if !j<2 then formatError:=true
else if int_of_char data.[!i + !j + 1] <> 0xFF then formatError:=true
else formatError:=false;
while !formatError && !i < !n do
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "looking for divider..."; flush stdout; *)
while !i < !n && int_of_char data.[!i] <> 0xFF do i:=!i+1 done;
if !i < !n then j:=int_of_char data.[!i];
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "found at i=%d\n" !i; flush stdout; *)
if !i + !j + 1 >= !n then formatError:=true
else if !j<2 then formatError:=true
else if int_of_char data.[!i + !j + 1] <> 0xFF then formatError:=true
else formatError:=false;
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "n=%d i=%d len=%d\n" !n !i !j; flush stdout; *)
while !i + 1 + !j < !n do
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "*1) n=%d i=%d len=%d\n" !n !i !j; flush stdout; *)
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string (String.sub data (!i+1) !j));
i:=!i + !j + 2;
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "message sent\n"; flush stdout; *)
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "*2) n=%d i=%d len=%d\n" !n !i !j; flush stdout; *)
if !i < !n then j:=int_of_char data.[!i];
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "1) n=%d i=%d len=%d\n" !n !i !j; flush stdout; *)
if !i + !j + 1 >= !n then formatError:=true
else if !j<2 then formatError:=true
else if int_of_char data.[!i + !j + 1] <> 0xFF then formatError:=true
else formatError:=false;
while !formatError && !i < !n do
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "looking for divider..."; flush stdout; *)
while !i < !n && int_of_char data.[!i] <> 0xFF do i:=!i+1 done;
if !i < !n then j:=int_of_char data.[!i];
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "found at i=%d\n" !i; flush stdout; *)
if !i + !j + 1 >= !n then formatError:=true
else if !j<2 then formatError:=true
else if int_of_char data.[!i + !j + 1] <> 0xFF then formatError:=true
else formatError:=false;
(* Printf.fprintf stdout "2) n=%d i=%d len=%d\n" !n !i !j; flush stdout; *)
| Aerocomm.API_Transmit_Packet (addr16, retries, data) ->
Debug.trace 'x' (sprintf "getting Aerocomm enchanced RX: from=%x %d %s" addr16 retries (Debug.xprint data));
use_tele_message (Serial.payload_of_string data)
let send = fun ac_id device rf_data ->
let rf_data = Serial.string_of_payload rf_data in
let frame_id = gen_frame_id () in
let frame_data = Aerocomm.api_tx ac_id nb_retries.contents rf_data in
(* let packet = Serial.payload_of_string frame_data in *)
(* Store the packet for further retry *)
packets.(frame_id) <- (frame_data, 1);
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
fprintf o "%s%!" frame_data;
Printf.fprintf stdout "----------------->Sending to %d <-------" ac_id; flush stdout;
for j=0 to String.length frame_data -1 do Printf.fprintf stdout "%x " (int_of_char frame_data.[j]) done;
Printf.fprintf stdout "\n";flush stdout;
Debug.call 'y' (fun f -> fprintf f "link sending (%d): (%s) %s\n" frame_id (Debug.xprint rf_data) (Debug.xprint frame_data));
end (** Aerocomm new module *)
let send = fun ac_id device ac_device payload priority ->
match ac_device with
Uart ->
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
let buf = Pprz.Transport.packet payload in
Printf.fprintf o "%s" buf; flush o;
Debug.call 'l' (fun f -> fprintf f "mm sending: %s\n" (Debug.xprint buf));
| WavecardDevice addr ->
Wc.send device.fd addr payload priority
| XBeeDevice ->
XB.send ac_id device payload
| AerocommDevice ->
ACMM.send ac_id device payload
| AerocommDevice_ver2 ->
ACMM_ver2.send ac_id device payload
let cm_of_m = fun f -> Pprz.Int (truncate (100. *. f))
(** Got a FLIGHT_PARAM message and dispatch a ACINFO *)
let get_fp = fun device _sender vs ->
let ac_id = int_of_string (Pprz.string_assoc "ac_id" vs) in
(fun (dest_id, _) ->
if dest_id <> ac_id && live_aircraft dest_id then (** Do not send to itself *)
Debug.trace 'b' (sprintf "ACINFO %d for %d" ac_id dest_id);
let ac_device = airborne_device dest_id airframes device.transport in
let f = fun a -> Pprz.float_assoc a vs in
let lat = (Deg>>Rad) (f "lat")
and long = (Deg>>Rad) (f "long")
and course = f "course"
and alt = f "alt"
and gspeed = f "speed" in
let utm = Latlong.utm_of WGS84 {posn_lat=lat; posn_long=long} in
let vs = ["ac_id", Pprz.Int ac_id;
"utm_east", cm_of_m utm.utm_x;
"utm_north", cm_of_m utm.utm_y;
"course", Pprz.Int (truncate (10. *. course));
"alt", cm_of_m alt;
"speed", cm_of_m gspeed] in
let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name "ACINFO" in
let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
send dest_id device ac_device s Low
_NotSendingToThis -> ())
(** Got a MOVE_WAYPOINT and send a MOVE_WP *)
let move_wp = fun device _sender vs ->
Debug.call 'm' (fun f -> fprintf f "mm MOVE WAYPOINT\n");
let ac_id = int_of_string (Pprz.string_assoc "ac_id" vs) in
let ac_device = airborne_device ac_id airframes device.transport in
let f = fun a -> Pprz.float_assoc a vs in
let lat = f "lat"
and long = f "long"
and alt = f "alt"
and wp_id = Pprz.int_assoc "wp_id" vs in
let wgs84 = {posn_lat=(Deg>>Rad)lat;posn_long=(Deg>>Rad)long} in
let utm = Latlong.utm_of WGS84 wgs84 in
let vs = ["wp_id", Pprz.Int wp_id;
"utm_east", cm_of_m utm.utm_x;
"utm_north", cm_of_m utm.utm_y;
"alt", cm_of_m alt] in
let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name "MOVE_WP" in
let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
send ac_id device ac_device s High
NotSendingToThis -> ()
(** Got a DL_SETTING, and send an SETTING *)
let setting = fun device _sender vs ->
let ac_id = int_of_string (Pprz.string_assoc "ac_id" vs) in
let ac_device = airborne_device ac_id airframes device.transport in
let idx = Pprz.int_assoc "index" vs in
let vs = ["index", Pprz.Int idx; "value", List.assoc "value" vs] in
let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name "SETTING" in
let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
send ac_id device ac_device s High
NotSendingToThis -> ()
(** Got a JUMP_TO_BLOCK, and send an BLOCK *)
let jump_block = fun device _sender vs ->
Debug.call 'j' (fun f -> fprintf f "mm JUMP_TO_BLOCK\n");
let ac_id = int_of_string (Pprz.string_assoc "ac_id" vs) in
let ac_device = airborne_device ac_id airframes device.transport in
let block_id = Pprz.int_assoc "block_id" vs in
let vs = ["block_id", Pprz.Int block_id] in
let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name "BLOCK" in
let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
send ac_id device ac_device s High
NotSendingToThis -> ()
(** Got a RAW_DATALINK message *)
let raw_datalink = fun device _sender vs ->
let ac_id = int_of_string (Pprz.string_assoc "ac_id" vs) in
let ac_device = airborne_device ac_id airframes device.transport in
let m = Pprz.string_assoc "message" vs in
for i = 0 to String.length m - 1 do
if m.[i] = ';' then m.[i] <- ' '
let msg_id, vs = Dl_Pprz.values_of_string m in
let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
send ac_id device ac_device s Normal
NotSendingToThis -> ()
module PprzModem = struct
let msg_period = 1000 (** ms *)
(** Modem monitoring messages *)
let send_msg = fun () ->
let vs = ["valim", Pprz.Float Modem.status.Modem.valim;
"detected", Pprz.Int Modem.status.Modem.detected;
"cd", Pprz.Int Modem.status.Modem.cd;
"nb_err", Pprz.Int Modem.status.Modem.nb_err;
"nb_byte", Pprz.Int Modem.status.Modem.nb_byte;
"nb_msg", Pprz.Int Modem.status.Modem.nb_msg
] in
Tm_Pprz.message_send "modem" "MODEM_STATUS" vs
let use_message =
let buffer = ref "" in
fun payload ->
let msg = Serial.string_of_payload payload in
Debug.call 'M' (fun f -> fprintf f "use_modem: %s\n" (Debug.xprint msg));
match Modem.parse_payload payload with
None -> () (* Only internal modem data *)
| Some data ->
(** Accumulate in a buffer *)
let b = !buffer ^ data in
Debug.call 'M' (fun f -> fprintf f "Pprz buffer: %s\n" (Debug.xprint b));
(** Parse as pprz message and ... *)
let x = PprzTransport.parse use_tele_message b in
(** ... remove from the buffer the chars which have been used *)
buffer := String.sub b x (String.length b - x)
end (* PprzModem module *)
(*************** Audio *******************************************************)
module Audio = struct
let use_data =
let buffer = ref "" in
fun data ->
let b = !buffer ^ data in
let n = PprzTransport.parse use_tele_message b in
buffer := String.sub b n (String.length b - n)
let parse_of_transport device = function
Pprz ->
PprzTransport.parse use_tele_message
| Modem ->
let module ModemTransport = Serial.Transport(Modem.Protocol) in
ModemTransport.parse PprzModem.use_message
| Wavecard ->
fun buf -> Wavecard.parse buf ~ack:(Wc.send_ack device.fd) (Wc.use_message)
| XBee ->
let module XbeeTransport = Serial.Transport (Xbee.Protocol) in
XbeeTransport.parse (XB.use_message device)
| Aerocomm ->
let module AerocommTransport = Serial.Transport (Aerocomm.Protocol) in
AerocommTransport.parse (ACMM.use_message device)
| Aerocomm_ver2 ->
let module AerocommTransport = Serial.Transport (Aerocomm.Protocol) in
AerocommTransport.parse (ACMM_ver2.use_message device)
let _ =
let ivy_bus = ref "" in
let port = ref "/dev/ttyS0" in
let baurate = ref "9600" in
let transport = ref "pprz" in
let uplink = ref false in
let audio = ref false in
let rssi_id = ref (-1) in
let dtr = ref false in
let options =
[ "-b", Arg.Set_string ivy_bus, (sprintf "<ivy bus> Default is %s" !ivy_bus);
"-d", Arg.Set_string port, (sprintf "<port> Default is %s" !port);
"-rssi", Arg.Set_int rssi_id, (sprintf "<ac_id> Periodically requests rssi level from the distant wavecard");
"-xbee_addr", Arg.Set_int XB.my_addr, (sprintf "<my_addr> (%d)" !XB.my_addr);
"-xbee_retries", Arg.Set_int XB.my_addr, (sprintf "<nb retries> (%d)" !XB.nb_retries);
"-aerocomm_addr", Arg.Set_int ACMM.my_addr, (sprintf "<my_addr> (%d)" !ACMM.my_addr);
"-aerocomm_retries", Arg.Set_int ACMM.my_addr, (sprintf "<nb retries> (%d)" !ACMM.nb_retries);
"-transport", Arg.Set_string transport, (sprintf "<transport> Available protocols are modem,pprz,wavecard, xbee, and aerocomm. Default is %s" !transport);
"-uplink", Arg.Set uplink, (sprintf "Uses the link as uplink also.");
"-dtr", Arg.Set dtr, "Set serial DTR to false (aerocomm)";
"-audio", Arg.Unit (fun () -> audio := true; port := "/dev/dsp"), (sprintf "Listen a modulated audio signal on <port>. Sets <port> to /dev/dsp (the -d option must used after this one if needed)");
"-s", Arg.Set_string baurate, (sprintf "<baudrate> Default is %s" !baurate)] in
(fun _x -> ())
"Usage: ";
Ivy.init "Link" "READY" (fun _ _ -> ());
Ivy.start !ivy_bus;
let transport =
match !transport with
"modem" -> Modem
| "pprz" -> Pprz
| "wavecard" -> Wavecard
| "xbee" -> XBee
| "aerocomm" -> Aerocomm
| "aerocomm__" -> Aerocomm_ver2
| x -> invalid_arg (sprintf "transport_of_string: %s" x)
(** Listen on a serial device or on multimon pipe or on audio *)
let > String.length !port >= 4 && String.sub !port 0 4 = "/dev" in (* FIXME *)
let fd =
if !audio then
Demod.init !port
if on_serial_device then
Serial.opendev !port (Serial.speed_of_baudrate !baurate)
Unix.openfile !port [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o640
if !dtr then
Serial.set_dtr fd false;
let device = { fd=fd; transport=transport; baud_rate=int_of_string !baurate } in
(* Listening *)
let buffered_input =
let parse = parse_of_transport device transport in
match Serial.input parse with
Serial.Closure f -> f in
let cb =
if !audio then
fun _ ->
let (data_left, _data_right) = Demod.get_data () in
Audio.use_data data_left;
fun _ -> buffered_input fd; true
ignore (Glib.Io.add_watch [`HUP] (fun _ -> exit 1) (GMain.Io.channel_of_descr fd));
ignore (Glib.Io.add_watch [`IN] cb (GMain.Io.channel_of_descr fd));
if !uplink then begin
(** Listening on Ivy (FIXME: remove the ad hoc messages) *)
(***) ignore (Ground_Pprz.message_bind "FLIGHT_PARAM" (get_fp device)); (***)
ignore (Ground_Pprz.message_bind "MOVE_WAYPOINT" (move_wp device));
ignore (Ground_Pprz.message_bind "DL_SETTING" (setting device));
ignore (Ground_Pprz.message_bind "JUMP_TO_BLOCK" (jump_block device));
ignore (Ground_Pprz.message_bind "RAW_DATALINK" (raw_datalink device))
(** Init and Periodic tasks *)
ignore (Glib.Timeout.add status_msg_period (fun () -> send_status_msg (); true));
match transport with
Modem ->
(** Sending periodically modem and downlink status messages *)
ignore (Glib.Timeout.add PprzModem.msg_period (fun () -> PprzModem.send_msg (); true))
| Wavecard ->
Wc.init device !rssi_id
| XBee ->
XB.init device
| Aerocomm ->
ACMM.init device
| _ -> ()
(* Main Loop *)
let loop = Glib.Main.create true in
while Glib.Main.is_running loop do
ignore (Glib.Main.iteration true)
Xml.Error e -> prerr_endline (Xml.error e); exit 1
| exn -> fprintf stderr "%s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn)
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