On Aug 10, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Felix Ruess wrote:
> Hi Tilman,
> definitely a good idea!
> There already was the the CSC
(CanServoController) that did stuff like that (never
used it myself though).
> But we deleted it, as it was not used and
maintained anymore and needed to be done in libopencm3
now anyway.
> But 4.0 is not converted to libopencm3. So if you
want to work on this, use the master branch, where
everything is converted to libopencm3.
> Also see the issues for the libopencm3 milestone:
> Cheers, Felix
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Tilman Baumann
> Hi,
> I'm fooling around with can at the moment. A
friend and I want to modularize UAV components a bit
> The easiest and lowest hanging fruit seems to be
to just pass telemetry messages on the bus first.
(probably inspired by one of the data logging modules)
> But anyway. I'm not there yet. First I like to
play around with CAN raw. I thought the code is now
based on libopencm3. But
./sw/airborne/arch/stm32/mcu_periph/can_arch.c is
totally different.
> Eventually I don't care really what I use. But
what is it that is being used there and how can I
learn about it?
> Has anyone already used that stuff? I suppose the
code is there for a reason?
> Would it perhaps be a better idea to scrap that
and use the libopencm3 functions? Would they work?
> And while this is not my concern yet, I would not
mind starting some kind of conversation about this
before I start hacking.
> My current idea is basically to just dump ppz
format messages on the bus with a prefix to make them
filterable. Later additions would be a message type
for actuators. (Have not quite grokked if or how I can
have multiple Actuators like CAN servos and PWM
> And then of course telemetry receive via CAN and
sensor values receive (remote virtual ADC would be
> I guess conversation topics could be the message
format. I think the ppz format is the easiest way
right now. But perhaps there are better ideas.
> Grand vision is to have little can modules (NXP
Cortex M0 based processor probably) which drive
servos, run actuators and read sensor. Connector could
be RJ45.
> This would make wiring much less crazy and planes
become more maintainable. Imagine having just one JR45
connector going to each detachable wing and your
camera subsystem and what not.
> Also telemetry could become more flexible, radios
could be placed where ever is most convenient.
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