On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Eric BAHIER
<address@hidden> wrote:
I work on a LISA/L evolution LISA/N???
first target, minimize the manufacture difficult.... and reduce the price.....
Save the gumstick connector, I need it. (and/or Raspberry interface)
The IMU will be sold on the board, sale as LISA/M better connection..... my ASPIRIN 1.5 run perfectly on LISA/M.... not on LISA/L....
Probably 2 "imu slot" to easly prototype, and/or baro......on the second slot.
remove all none use compotement, I2C level shifter(except for motor commande), remove CAN......
For servo fit a real connector, in the smae way of LISA/M
Power supply input up to 30V....5LIPOcells,If the batt is upper, a small external PSU, an a direct input for the BAT to have a real bat level on telemetry....
Socket for direct plug the Xbee module.
All other idea/request could be interested... Let know your dream...
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