hey everyone !
didn't touched paparazzi for a long time until :
i've got from TR , x3 lisa/m v2.0 with aspirin 2.2-r0
had alot of problams with IMU sensors, hanged start up of the STM32 ,super touch sensitive around the soldered aspirin
and troubled upload firmware with the paparazzi-center (random hangs and errors), i tried to contact with esden and TR but no replay
from both of them... even tough the fast shipping ,i tought all the three lisa DOA ...
then i decided to check by my self :
done some research and the new barometer hangs the SPI bus + garbeging the MPU6... values
removed the trace of that GYRO_SS pin as described at the wiki but no good.
BTW :when i've got the boards shipment ,i quickly soldered the aspirin include the pin that didn't need to be soldered
( see:
http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/address@hidden@warning )
all the problems got cleared until i've soldered jumper from the CS of the Barometer to 3.3v
now i feel like i've got new boards ;) fast upload ,fast start up ,and fast PFD lock !
maybe it will help somebody with the same problems
i don't know how or how to start :) can some one add :
if using the hardware setup above ,to pull high stm32 pin PC13 to high trough the c code -> its CS of the new barometer.
i think a future driver for that barometer will do that by the way ,but need to change the wiki to not remove that pad from the aspirin ?
sorry about my english ...
best regards
matkov michael