From: | Felix Ruess |
Subject: | Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey) |
Date: | Wed, 20 Mar 2013 16:49:40 +0100 |
Hi Felix, thanks for great help!
I see the point in "not polluting the global namespace", since I have allready had several conflicts with the other navigation routines (which I used as "templates" for my subroutine).
I do however have no prior experience in C-programming, so I do not know how to write code in a different style then what I see in the existing subroutines.
Could you make a refernce to a code sample (or code style guide) for how to avoid using "all these vars in a zamboni_survey struct"?
Maybe there also could be made a few templates/code samples for how to write subroutines (/modules) based on recommended coding style?
From: Felix Ruess Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey) Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 22:45:10 +0100
Hi Jorn,you added the zamboni_survey.c file to the navigation_extra.makefile, but in your airframe file you used only the "standard" navigation routines.Instead of <subsystem name="navigation"/> which simply includs navigation.makefile,use <subsystem name="navigation" type="extra"/> which includes navigation_extra.makefileThe name of the makefile that get's included is simply <name>_<type>, the type is mostly there for clarity and to enforce a nicer naming scheme for subsystems makefiles.Also remove the #include "estimator.h", that doesn't exist anymore in master...And rename return_angle to something like zamboni_return_angle as that is a global variable and already used by poly_survey_advanced...It would be better to not pollute the global namespace so much and all these vars in a zamboni_survey struct (of course true for nearly all other navigation routines as well).Cheers, Felix
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 22:15:21 +0100
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: RE: Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey)
Hi, I finally got the "zamboni" code pushed to the master branch (I think), so it should now be possible to test.
Thanks for all hints and help with regard to git. I also ended up reading the first parts of "Pro Git" by Scott Chacon, which which I probably should have done before starting with git.
When compiling my code with the latest paparazzi master, I get this error-message which I can't get rid of:
/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa2_Skywalker/sim/subsystems/nav.o: In function `auto_nav':
/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa2_Skywalker/generated/flight_plan.h:191: undefined reference to `init_zamboni_survey'
/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa2_Skywalker/generated/flight_plan.h:172: undefined reference to `init_zamboni_survey'
/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa2_Skywalker/generated/flight_plan.h:195: undefined reference to `zamboni_survey'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
File "/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa2_Skywalker/sim/simsitl.ml", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: Error while building custom runtime system
make[1]: *** [/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa2_Skywalker/sim/simsitl] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jorn/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
make: *** [sim] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/home/jorn/paparazzi'
FAILED 'make -C /home/jorn/paparazzi -f Makefile.ac AIRCRAFT=My_Lisa2_Skywalker sim' with code 2
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: RE: Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey)
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 23:22:10 +0100
I am a newbie to git, and do have problems pushing changes to my newly added git repo.
I have been following the description here: http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Git#Publishing_your_changes
And went through the steps until:
Publishing your changes
To push your (already locally committed) changes to your own github master branchgit push <remote> <branch>Where <remote> is the name for the remote to your own github repo and is your username if you named it like explained above. <branch> is the branch you want to push to your remote repository, either master or your topic branch.
Where I went into trouble. The commands I typed and the errors I received was:
address@hidden:~/zamboni$ git push zamboni address@hidden:jornanke/zamboni.git
error: src refspec address@hidden does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/jornanke/zamboni.git'
address@hidden:~/zamboni$ git push address@hidden:jornanke/zamboni.git zamboni
error: src refspec zamboni does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to 'address@hidden:jornanke/zamboni.git'
Anyone who can tell what I might have done wrong?
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: RE: Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:29:47 +0100
Thanks for the offer to have a look at it :-)
I will try to push the code to github. (Must read up a bit on git first).
From: Felix Ruess Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey) Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 22:42:42 +0100
Don't see it right now... from just looking at what you posted.
I can offer to have a look at if if you commit/push it to github...
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: RE: Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey)
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 21:47:04 +0100
Hi Felix,
Yes, the error-message is still the same. The zamboni_survey.h file is located in the subsystems/navigation folder and looks like quoted under.
-------------------- zamboni_survey.h ---------------------
#ifndef ZAMBONI_H
#define ZAMBONI_H
#include "std.h"
//typedef struct {float x; float y;} point2d;
typedef enum {Z_ERR, Z_ENTRY, Z_SEG, Z_TURN1, Z_RET, Z_TURN2} z_survey_stage;
extern bool_t init_zamboni_survey(uint8_t center_wp, uint8_t dir_wp, float sweep_length, float sweep_spacing, int sweep_lines, float altitude);
extern bool_t zamboni_survey(void);
-------------------- flight plan ---------------------
<!DOCTYPE flight_plan SYSTEM "flight_plan.dtd">
<flight_plan alt="310" ground_alt="185" lat0="59.81" lon0="10.3578" max_dist_from_home="550" name="Test zamboni" security_height="60" qfu="110">
#include "subsystems/navigation/zamboni_survey.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h"
float varsweepsize=110;
#include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
//#define LINE_START_FUNCTION dc_Survey(dc_gps_dist);
#define LINE_START_FUNCTION dc_Survey(40);
<waypoint name="HOME" x="-20" y="-40"/>
<waypoint name="STDBY" x="-40" y="-60"/>
<waypoint name="Z_CENTER" x="170" y="-90"/>
<waypoint name="Z1_DIR" x="270" y="-120"/>
<waypoint name="Z2_DIR" x="270" y="-120"/>
<waypoint name="CLIMB" x="0" y="-70"/>
<waypoint alt="240" name="AF" x="-180" y="160"/>
<waypoint alt="170.0" name="TD" x="-20" y="10"/>
<waypoint name="_BASELEG" x="1" y="1"/>
<block name="Wait GPS">
<set value="1" var="kill_throttle"/>
<while cond="!GpsFixValid()"/>
<block name="Geo init">
<while cond="LessThan(NavBlockTime(), 10)"/>
<call fun="NavSetGroundReferenceHere()"/>
<block name="Holding point">
<set value="1" var="kill_throttle"/>
<attitude roll="0" throttle="0" vmode="throttle"/>
<!-- New 2013.03.06, copied from basix.xml -->
<block key="t" name="Takeoff" strip_button="Takeoff (wp CLIMB)" strip_icon="takeoff.png" group="home">
<exception cond="GetPosAlt() > ground_alt+25" deroute="Standby"/>
<set value="0" var="kill_throttle"/>
<set value="0" var="autopilot_flight_time"/>
<go from="HOME" throttle="1.0" vmode="throttle" wp="CLIMB" pitch="15"/>
<!-- init_zamboni_survey(uint8_t center_wp, uint8_t dir_wp, float sweep_length, float sweep_spacing, int sweep_lines, float altitude) /-->
<block name="ZamboniSurvey1" strip_button="Zamboni1" strip_icon="survey.png">
<call fun="init_zamboni_survey(WP_Z_CENTER, WP_Z1_DIR, 200, 40, 7, 290)"/>
<call fun="zamboni_survey()"/>
<!-- init_zamboni_survey(uint8_t center_wp, uint8_t dir_wp, float sweep_length, float sweep_spacing, int sweep_lines, float altitude) /-->
<block name="ZamboniSurvey2" strip_button="Zamboni2" strip_icon="survey.png">
<call fun="init_zamboni_survey(WP_Z_CENTER, WP_Z2_DIR, 200, -40, 7, 290)"/>
<call fun="zamboni_survey()"/>
<!-- New 2013.03.06, copied from basix.xml -->
<block name="Land Right AF-TD" strip_button="Land right (wp AF-TD)" strip_icon="land-right.png" group="land">
<set value="DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS" var="nav_radius"/>
<deroute block="land"/>
<block name="Land Left AF-TD" strip_button="Land left (wp AF-TD)" strip_icon="land-left.png" group="land">
<set value="-DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS" var="nav_radius"/>
<deroute block="land"/>
<block name="land">
<call fun="nav_compute_baseleg(WP_AF, WP_TD, WP__BASELEG, nav_radius)"/>
<circle radius="nav_radius" until="NavCircleCount() > 0.5" wp="_BASELEG"/>
<circle radius="nav_radius" until="And(NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(baseleg_out_qdr)-(nav_radius/fabs(nav_radius))*10), 10 > fabs(GetPosAlt() - WaypointAlt(WP__BASELEG)))" wp="_BASELEG"/>
<block name="final">
<exception cond="ground_alt + 10 > GetPosAlt()" deroute="flare"/>
<go from="AF" hmode="route" vmode="glide" wp="TD"/>
<block name="flare">
<go approaching_time="0" from="AF" hmode="route" throttle="0.0" vmode="throttle" wp="TD"/>
<attitude roll="0.0" throttle="0.0" until="FALSE" vmode="throttle"/>
<block group="home" key="<Control>a" name="Standby" strip_button="Standby" strip_icon="home.png">
<circle radius="nav_radius" wp="STDBY"/>
-------------------- zamboni_survey.c ---------------------
#include "zamboni_survey.h"
#include "subsystems/nav.h"
#include "estimator.h"
#include "autopilot.h"
#include "generated/flight_plan.h"
#include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
int counter;
variables used to store values from the flight plan
float x_wp_center, y_wp_center;
float x_wp_dir, y_wp_dir;
float z_sweep_length;
float z_sweep_spacing;
int z_sweep_lines;
float z_shot_dist;
float z_altitude;
static variables, used for initial calculations
// properties for the filightpattern
float flight_angle, return_angle;
float dx_sweep_width, dy_sweep_width;
float dx_flightline, dy_flightline;
float dx_flight_vec, dy_flight_vec;
float turnradius1, turnradius2;
int laps;
// points for navigation
float x_seg_start, y_seg_start;
float x_seg_end, y_seg_end;
float x_turn_center1, y_turn_center1;
float x_turn_center2, y_turn_center2;
float x_ret_start, y_ret_start;
float x_ret_end, y_ret_end;
// variables used for initial calculations
float dx_flight_wpts, dy_flight_wpts;
float len;
// constant for storing value for pre-leave-angle, (leave turncircles a small angle before the 180deg turns are compleated to get a smoother transition to flight-lines)
int pre_leave_angle=2;
z_survey_stage z_stage;
z_stage starts at ENTRY and than circles trought the other
states until to rectangle is completely covered
ENTRY : getting in the right position and height for the first flyover
SEG : fly from seg_start to seg_end and take pictures,
then calculate navigation points of next flyover
TURN1 : do a 180° turn around seg_center1
RET : fly from ret_start to ret_end
TURN2 : do a 180° turn around seg_center2
initializes the variables needed for the survey to start
wp_center : the waypoint defining the center of the survey-rectangle
wp_dir : the waypoint defining the orientation of the survey-rectangle
sweep_length : the length of the survey-rectangle
sweep_spacing : distance between the sweeps
sweep_lines : number of sweep_lines to fly
altitude : the altitude that must be reached before the flyover starts
bool_t init_zamboni_survey(uint8_t center_wp, uint8_t dir_wp, float sweep_length, float sweep_spacing, int sweep_lines, float altitude)
counter = 0;
// copy variables from the flight plan
x_wp_center = waypoints[center_wp].x;
y_wp_center = waypoints[center_wp].y;
x_wp_dir = waypoints[dir_wp].x;
y_wp_dir = waypoints[dir_wp].y;
z_sweep_length = sweep_length;
z_sweep_spacing = sweep_spacing;
z_sweep_lines = sweep_lines;
//z_shot_dist = shot_dist;
z_altitude = altitude;
// if turning right leave circle before angle is reached, if turning left - leave after
if (z_sweep_spacing>0) pre_leave_angle -= pre_leave_angle;
// calculate the flight_angle
dx_flight_wpts = x_wp_dir - x_wp_center;
dy_flight_wpts = y_wp_dir - y_wp_center;
if (dy_flight_wpts == 0) dy_flight_wpts = 0.01; // to avoid dividing by zero
flight_angle = 180*atan2(dx_flight_wpts, dy_flight_wpts)/M_PI;
return_angle = flight_angle + 180;
if (return_angle > 359) return_angle -= 360;
// calculate the flightline vector from start to end of one flightline, (delta x and delta y for one flightline)
// (used later to move the flight pattern one flightline up for each round)
len = sqrtf(dx_flight_wpts * dx_flight_wpts + dy_flight_wpts * dy_flight_wpts);
dx_flight_vec = dx_flight_wpts/len;
dy_flight_vec = dy_flight_wpts/len;
dx_flightline = dx_flight_vec * z_sweep_length;
dy_flightline = dy_flight_vec * z_sweep_length;
// calculate the vector from one flightline perpendicular to the next flightline left, seen in the flightdirection. (Delta x and delta y betwen two adjecent flightlines)
// (used later to move the flight pattern one flightline up for each round)
dx_sweep_width = -(dy_flight_wpts/len) * z_sweep_spacing;
dy_sweep_width = +(dx_flight_wpts/len) * z_sweep_spacing;
// calculate number of laps to fly and turning radius for each end
laps = (z_sweep_lines+1)/2;
turnradius1 = (laps-1) * z_sweep_spacing * 0.5;
turnradius2 = laps * z_sweep_spacing * 0.5;
//start and end of flight-line in flight-direction
x_seg_start = x_wp_center - dx_flightline * 0.5;
y_seg_start = y_wp_center - dy_flightline * 0.5;
x_seg_end = x_wp_center + dx_flightline * 0.5;
y_seg_end = y_wp_center + dy_flightline * 0.5;
//start and end of flight-line in return-direction
x_ret_start = x_seg_end - dx_sweep_width * (laps-1);
y_ret_start = y_seg_end - dy_sweep_width * (laps-1);
x_ret_end = x_seg_start - dx_sweep_width * (laps-1);
y_ret_end = y_seg_start - dy_sweep_width * (laps-1);
//turn-centers at both ends
x_turn_center1 = (x_seg_end + x_ret_start)/2;
y_turn_center1 = (y_seg_end + y_ret_start)/2;
x_turn_center2 = (x_seg_start + x_ret_end + dx_sweep_width) / 2;
y_turn_center2 = (y_seg_start + y_ret_end + dy_sweep_width) / 2;
//fast climbing to desired altitude
NavVerticalAltitudeMode(z_altitude, 0.0);
z_stage = Z_ENTRY;
return FALSE;
main navigation routine. This is called periodically evaluates the current
Position and stage and navigates accordingly.
Returns True until the survey is finished
bool_t zamboni_survey(void)
// retain altitude
NavVerticalAltitudeMode(z_altitude, 0.0);
//go from center of field to end of field - (before starting the syrvey)
if (z_stage == Z_ENTRY) {
nav_route_xy(x_wp_center, y_wp_center, x_seg_end, y_seg_end);
if (nav_approaching_xy(x_seg_end, y_seg_end, x_wp_center, y_wp_center, CARROT)) {
z_stage = Z_TURN1;
//Turn from stage to return
else if (z_stage == Z_TURN1) {
nav_circle_XY(x_turn_center1, y_turn_center1, turnradius1);
if (NavCourseCloseTo(return_angle+pre_leave_angle)){
// && nav_approaching_xy(x_seg_end, y_seg_end, x_seg_start, y_seg_start, CARROT
//calculate SEG-points for the next flyover
x_seg_start = x_seg_start + dx_sweep_width;
y_seg_start = y_seg_start + dy_sweep_width;
x_seg_end = x_seg_end + dx_sweep_width;
y_seg_end = y_seg_end + dy_sweep_width;
z_stage = Z_RET;
//dc_survey(z_shot_dist, x_ret_start - dx_flight_vec * z_shot_dist, y_ret_start - dy_flight_vec * z_shot_dist);
//fly the segment until seg_end is reached
else if (z_stage == Z_RET) {
nav_route_xy(x_ret_start, y_ret_start, x_ret_end, y_ret_end);
if (nav_approaching_xy(x_ret_end, y_ret_end, x_ret_start, y_ret_start, 0)) {
counter = counter + 1;
z_stage = Z_TURN2;
//turn from stage to return
else if (z_stage == Z_TURN2) {
nav_circle_XY(x_turn_center2, y_turn_center2, turnradius2);
if (NavCourseCloseTo(flight_angle+pre_leave_angle)) {
//counter = counter + 1;
z_stage = Z_SEG;
//dc_survey(z_shot_dist, x_seg_start + dx_flight_vec * z_shot_dist, y_seg_start + dy_flight_vec * z_shot_dist);
} else if (z_stage == Z_SEG) {
nav_route_xy(x_seg_start, y_seg_start, x_seg_end, y_seg_end);
if (nav_approaching_xy(x_seg_end, y_seg_end, x_seg_start, y_seg_start, 0)) {
// calculate the rest of the points for the next fly-over
x_ret_start = x_ret_start + dx_sweep_width;
y_ret_start = y_ret_start + dy_sweep_width;
x_ret_end = x_ret_end + dx_sweep_width;
y_ret_end = y_ret_end + dy_sweep_width;
x_turn_center1 = (x_seg_end + x_ret_start)/2;
y_turn_center1 = (y_seg_end + y_ret_start)/2;
x_turn_center2 = (x_seg_start + x_ret_end + dx_sweep_width) / 2;
y_turn_center2 = (y_seg_start + y_ret_end + dy_sweep_width) / 2;
z_stage = Z_TURN1;
if (counter >= laps) {
return FALSE;
else {
return TRUE;
From: Felix Ruess Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Problem compiling with a custom written subroutine (zamboni survey) Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 17:37:40 +0100
Hi Jorn,What compile error do you get? Still this one?/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa_Skywalker/ap/subsystems/nav.o: In function `auto_nav':/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa_Skywalker/generated/flight_plan.h:191: undefined reference to `init_zamboni_survey'/home/jorn/paparazzi/var/My_Lisa_Skywalker/generated/flight_plan.h:195: undefined reference to `zamboni_survey'Did you declare those two functions in your subsystems/navigation/zamboni_survey.h file?Cheers, Felix
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Jorn Anke <address@hidden> wrote:
What I did try was (like before) to add; $(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/zamboni_survey.c
to the navigation_extra.makefile :
# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*-
# standard and extra fixed wing navigation
#add these to all targets
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/nav.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/common_flight_plan.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/traffic_info.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/nav_survey_rectangle.c $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/nav_line.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/nav_cube.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/discsurvey.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/OSAMNav.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/snav.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/spiral.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/poly_survey_adv.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/gls.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/border_line.c
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/zamboni_survey.c
# $(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/lawnmover_survey_gt.c
Then, to add a separate makefile, in paparazzi/conf/firmwares/subsystems/ directory:
# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*-
# standard and extra fixed wing navigation
#add these to all targets
$(TARGET).srcs += $(SRC_SUBSYSTEMS)/navigation/zamboni_survey.c
Airframe file starts like this:
<!DOCTYPE flight_plan SYSTEM "flight_plan.dtd">
<flight_plan alt="310" ground_alt="185" lat0="59.81" lon0="10.3578" max_dist_from_home="550" name="Test zamboni" security_height="60" qfu="110">
#include "subsystems/navigation/zamboni_survey.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h"
float varsweepsize=110;
#include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
//#define LINE_START_FUNCTION dc_Survey(dc_gps_dist);
#define LINE_START_FUNCTION dc_Survey(40);
Cheers, Jorn
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