Well, the multiwii sold by HK use ATMEGA32 ... so its
impossible to use paparazzi code.
Ardupilot is cheap .... PPZ is good.
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 11:55:26 +0200
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Low cost autopilots for paparazzi
Dear Michel,
i made six prototype units each with more than 220 components, and test
and calibrate them also with temperature compensation.
Since by our attempt to solder with paste and a oven this results in
many shorts under the ICs and sensors.
The second way was to solder the sensors with hot air. This needs more
time to solder but less to find errors.
For construction and test my first umarin i need one day for the
Tiny1.3 and Twog about 5-6h.
The problem with companies is, that they often want their own
copyright of the PCB.
To get the numbers of autopilots large, it may be a solution to port
other software on it or the make the hardware full compatible.
For a Paparazzi autopilot with a port of MultiWii sold by Hobby-King
will grow the units counts large and the cost low (< 50 Euros).
For a large number also a windows ground station is necessary i think.
For the users those who want to make their on pcb to use the 10dof
Imu from Drotek (29Euro) may be a solution.
I had made such a pcb design but i cant get the cad data for eagle.
Christope had no time to add the 4 holes in his Yapa design.
To win completion's always special hardware is needed like the Umarin.
Felix Ruess schrieb:
Hi Heinrich.
"All" you need to do is write a new board makefile in
conf/boards and a new board header file in sw/airborne/boards
containing the pin mapping you wish. You can use the Lisa m ones as
example and starting point.
Cheers, Felix
On Aug 2, 2013 10:09 AM, "Michel
The construction of a prototype by hand need
about 40h.
40h ?!?!? for one board ???
You should order new hands :)
Kidding aside, i'm not sure to get
message : if you want to port pprz on "cheap" hardware, ok, " just do
it", but don't confuse people with bad numbers.
I think having companies taking the risk building the hardware that is
perfectly matching our needs is a real chance...
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